Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 40-50. Schedules for drafting requests and bill introduction. (1) The following schedule must be followed for submission of drafting requests.

  Request Deadline: 5:00 P.M. on Legislative Day
General Bills and Resolutions 12
Revenue Bills 17
Committee Bills and Resolutions 36
Committee Revenue Bills and Bills Proposing Referenda 62
Committee Bills implementing provisions of a general appropriation act 67
Interim study resolutions 60
Appropriation Bills 45
Resolutions to express confirmation of appointments No Deadline
Bills repealing or directing the amendment or adoption of administrative rules joint resolutions advising or requesting the repeal, amendment, or adoption of administrative rules No Deadline

   (2) (a) A bill or resolution must be introduced at least 6 legislative days prior to the applicable transmittal deadline as provided in Joint Rule 40-200 except for:
   (i) a session committee bill or resolution;
   (ii) a bill repealing or directing the amendment or adoption of administrative rules;
   (iii) a joint resolution advising or requesting the repeal, amendment, or adoption of administrative rules; or
   (iv) a resolution expressing confirmation.
   (b) Bills and resolutions must be introduced within 2 legislative days after delivery. Failure to comply with the introduction deadline results in the bill draft being canceled.

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