Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Joint Rules

   Joint Rule 40-60. Joint resolutions. (1) A joint resolution must be adopted by both houses and is not approved by the Governor. It may be used to:
   (a) express desire, opinion, sympathy, or request of the Legislature;
   (b) recognize relations with other governments, sister states, political subdivisions, or similar governmental entities;
   (c) request, but not require, a legislative entity to conduct an interim study;
   (d) adopt, amend, or repeal the joint rules;
   (e) approve construction of a state building under section 18-2-102 or 20-25-302, MCA;
   (f) deal with disasters and emergencies under Title 10, specifically as provided in sections 10-3-302(3), 10-3-303(3), 10-3-303(4), and 10-3-505(5), MCA;
   (g) submit a negotiated settlement under section 39-31-305(3), MCA;
   (h) declare or terminate an energy emergency under section 90-4-310, MCA;
   (i) ratify or propose amendments to the United States Constitution;
   (j) advise or request the repeal, amendment, or adoption of a rule in the Administrative Rules of Montana; or
   (k) approve the organization of a new community college district under section 20-15-209, MCA.
   (2) A joint resolution may not be used for purposes of congratulating or recognizing an individual or group achievement. Recognition of individual or group achievements is handled on special orders of the day.
   (3) Except as otherwise provided in these rules or The Constitution of the State of Montana, a joint resolution is treated in all respects as a bill.
   (4) A copy of every joint resolution must be transmitted after adoption to the Secretary of State by the Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Clerk of the House.

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