Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S10-50. Presiding officer and duties. (1) The presiding officer of the Senate is the President of the Senate, who must be chosen in accordance with law.
   (2) The President shall take the chair on every legislative day at the hour to which the Senate adjourned at the last sitting.
   (3) The President may name a Senator to perform the duties of the President when the President pro tempore is not present in the Senate chamber. The Senator who is named is vested during that time with all the powers of the President.
   (4) The President has general control over the assignment of rooms for the Senate and shall preserve order and decorum. The President may order the galleries and lobbies cleared in case of disturbance or disorderly conduct.
   (5) The President shall sign all necessary certifications of the Senate, including enrolled bills and resolutions, journals, subpoenas, and payrolls. The President's signature must be attested by the Secretary of the Senate.
   (6) The President shall approve the calendar for each legislative day.
   (7) The President is the chief administrative officer of the Senate, with authority for the general supervision of all Senate employees. The President may seek the advice and counsel of the Legislative Administration Committee.
   (8) The President of the Senate is the authorized approving authority of the Senate during the term of election to that office.
   (9) The President shall refer bills to committee upon introduction or reception in the office of the Secretary of the Senate.

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