Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S10-60. Succession. (1) In case of the absence or disqualification of the President, the President pro tempore of the Senate shall perform the duties of the President until the vacancy is filled or the disability removed.
   (2) Whenever the President pro tempore of the Senate is of the opposite political party from that of the President, the following procedure applies:
   (a) If the President dies while in office, the members of the Senate have the right to immediately nominate and elect an acting President of the same party.
   (b) If the President is absent for 2 or more legislative days or at any time after the 85th legislative day or at any time during special session of the Legislature and wants to appoint an acting President during the President's absence, the President may do so, or the members of the Senate have the right to immediately nominate and elect an acting President of the President's caucus.
   (c) An acting President of the Senate has the powers of the President and supersedes the powers of the President pro tempore.

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