Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S30-160. Ethics Committee. (1) The Ethics Committee shall meet only upon the call of the chair after the referral of an issue from the Rules Committee or to consider a request for a determination pursuant to subsection (4). The Rules Committee may be convened to consider the referral of a matter to the Ethics Committee upon the request of a Senator. The Rules Committee shall prepare a written statement of the specific question or issue to be addressed by the Ethics Committee. The issues referred to the Ethics Committee must be related to the actions of a Senator during a legislative session.
   (2) The matters that may be referred to the Ethics Committee are:
   (a) a violation of:
   (i) 2-2-103;
   (ii) 2-2-104;
   (iii) 2-2-111;
   (iv) 2-2-112;
   (b) the use or threatened use of a Senator's position for personal or personal business benefit or advantage; or
   (c) any other violation of law by a Senator while acting in the capacity of Senator.
   (3) If there is a recommendation from the Ethics Committee, the recommendation is made to the Senate.
   (4) As provided in 2-2-112, a Senator may seek a determination from the Ethics Committee concerning the possibility of a personal conflict of interest.

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