Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S40-20. Introduction -- first reading. (1) Upon receiving a bill or resolution from a Senator, the Secretary of the Senate shall assign an appropriate sequential number, which constitutes introduction of the legislation. Legislation properly introduced or received in the Senate must be announced across the rostrum and public notice provided. This announcement constitutes first reading, and no debate or motion is in order except that a Senator may question adherence to rules. Acknowledgment by the Secretary of the Senate of receipt of legislation transmitted from the House commences the time limit for consideration of the legislation. All legislation received by the Senate may be referred to a committee prior to being read across the rostrum.
   (2) Bills and resolutions preintroduced as provided in Joint Rule 40-40 may be assigned to committee and printed prior to the legislative session. The Legislative Services Division is responsible for ensuring the preintroduction intent from each Senator and presenting the preintroduced legislation to the Secretary of the Senate.
   (3) Upon referral to committee, the Secretary of the Senate shall publicly post a listing of the bill or resolution by a summary of its title, together with a notation of the committee to which it has been assigned.
   (4) The sponsor may ask the Legislative Services Division to change or correct a short title used on the bill status system.

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