Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S50-190. Third reading procedure. (1) Unless rereferred to a committee by a majority vote after the adoption of the Committee of the Whole report but before moving to another order of business, all legislation passing second reading must be placed on third reading the day following the receipt of the engrossing or other appropriate printing report.
   (2) On Order of Business No. 9 the Secretary shall read the title and the President shall state the question as follows: "Senate bill number (or other appropriate identification)..... having been read three several times, the question is, shall the bill (or other appropriate identification) pass the Senate?"
   (3) If an electronic voting system is used, the President shall state "Those in favor vote yes and those opposed vote no" and the Secretary will sound the signal and open the board for voting. After a reasonable pause the presiding officer asks "Has every member voted?" (reasonable pause), "Does any member wish to change his or her vote?" (reasonable pause), "The Secretary will record the vote."

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