Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S50-200. Senate voting -- changing a vote -- objection. (1) A roll call vote must be taken on the request of two Senators, if the request occurs before the vote is taken.
   (2) On a roll call vote the names of the Senators must be called alphabetically, unless an electronic voting system is used. A Senator may not vote after the decision is announced from the chair. A Senator may not explain a vote until after the decision is announced from the chair.
   (3) A Senator may move to change the Senator's vote, on any recorded vote, within 1 legislative day of the vote. The Senator making the motion shall first specify the bill number, the date of the vote, and the original vote tally. A vote may not be changed if it would affect the outcome of legislation. The motion is nondebatable. If none of the Senators present object, the change must be entered into the journal.
   (4) If any Senator objects to the request in subsection (3), the Senator making the request may move to suspend the rules to allow the Senator to change the Senator's vote.
   (5) An error caused by a malfunction of the voting system may be corrected without a vote within 10 minutes of the malfunction.

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