Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S50-220. Call of the Senate. (1) In the absence of a quorum, a majority of Senators present may compel the attendance of absent Senators by ordering a call of the Senate.
   (2) If a quorum is present, five Senators may order a call of the Senate.
   (3) On a call of the Senate, a Senator who refuses to attend may be arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms or any other person, as the majority of the Senators present direct. When the attendance of an absent Senator is secured and the Senate refuses to excuse the Senator's absence, the Senator may not be paid any expense payments while absent and is liable for the expenses incurred in procuring the Senator's attendance.
   (4) During a call of the Senate, all business must be suspended. After a call has been ordered, no motion is in order except a motion to adjourn or remove the call. The call may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the members present.

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