Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S50-230. House amendments to Senate legislation. (1) When the House has properly returned Senate legislation with House amendments, the Senate shall announce the amendments on Order of Business No. 5 and the President shall place them on second reading for debate. The President may rerefer Senate legislation with House amendments to a committee for a hearing if the House amendments constitute a significant change in the Senate legislation. The second reading vote is limited to consideration of the House amendments.
   (2) If the Senate accepts House amendments, the Senate shall place the final form of the legislation on third reading to determine if the legislation, as amended, is passed or if the required vote is obtained.
   (3) If the Senate rejects the House amendments, the Senate may request the House to recede from its amendments or may direct appointment of a conference committee and request the House to appoint a like committee.

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