Montana State Legislature
Cannabis Control Division
of Department of Revenue
Division Leadership
Kristan Barbour, Division Administrator
Brendan Beatty, Director of Department of Revenue
Appointed by the Governor
Division Website
Division Overview
The Cannabis Control Division (CCD) was established within the Department of Revenue due to the passage of House Bill 701 in the 2021 legislative session. The Economic Affairs Interim Committee began its monitoring duties of the Cannabis Control Division on January 1, 2022. The mission of the CCD is to ensure the health and safety of all Montanans through fair administration, education, and enforcement of the Montana Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MMRT).
Legislative Audits
CCD is audited with the Department of Revenue's regular audits. The most recent (2023) audit of that department did not specify any concerns about CCD.
Statutorily Required Reports to Economic Affairs
- Synthetic Marijuana Task Force Report (one-time); (HB948, 2023)
- General marijuana regulation reports, in accordance with 16-12-110, MCA
Meeting Participation
November 2023:
July 2023:
- Cannabis Control Division Duties/Responsibilities Agency Overview