Montana State Legislature
Ballot Initiative Review
House Bill. No. 651 (Ch. 554, L. 2021) amended 5-5-215 to require interim committees to review proposed ballot initiatives within the interim committee's subject area and vote to either support or not support the placement of the text of an initiative on the ballot.
The bill also amends 13-27-202(5) to provide for the interim committee hearing and voting process and for notification of the outcome of the vote to the secretary of state:
"(c) The appropriate interim committee or legislative council shall meet and hold a public hearing after receiving the information and vote to either support or not support the placement of the proposed initiative text on the ballot. The outcome of the vote must be submitted to the secretary of state no later than 14 days after receipt of the final text of the proposed issue and ballot statements. Nothing in this section prevents the interim committee from meeting remotely or via conference call. Proxies must be allowed for legislators unable to participate if a quorum of the committee or council meets to fulfill the requirements of this section.
(d) The executive director shall provide written correspondence to the secretary of state providing the name of the interim committee or the administrative committee that voted on the proposal, the date of the vote, and the outcome of the vote conducted in accordance with subsection (5)(c)."
This requirement may result in additional committee meetings because the committee vote must be provided no later than 14 days after receipt of the final text of the ballot initiative.