Montana State Legislature
2003-2004 Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Committee
The Children, Families, Health, and Human Services (CFHHS) Interim Committee has administrative rule review, draft legislation review, program evaluation, and monitoring responsibilities for the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services and the entities attached to that department for administrative purposes.
August 22, 2003
- Agenda
- Senate Joint Resolution No. 11
- Study Plan Introduction
- Study Issues and Options remaining from Task Force
- Governor's Task Force Recommendations(Appendix B)
- House Joint Resolution No. 3
- Preliminary Study Outline
- 2003-2004 INTERIM:
- Interim Planning Discussion Draft
- Revised Work Plan (interim committee proposed meeting dates)
- Interim Committee Decision Matrix - Draft Study Plan
- Minutes
October 30 and 31, 2003
January 22 and January 23, 2004
- Agenda
- Jan 22 Minutes
- Jan 23 Minutes
- Preliminary Proposals
April 29 and 30, 2004
- Agenda
- April 29 Minutes
- April 30 Minutes
- House Joint Resolution No. 3: Issues and Options
- SJR11 study on Alcohol and Drug Policy
- Public Assistance Benefits and Convicted Felony Drug Offenders
- Tobacco, Alcohol, and Gambling Taxes
- Statewide Coordinated Leadership:
- Status Memo
- Coordinated Drug Policy Leadership Proposal: Talking Points, Chart
- Legislative Fiscal Division Staff Reports
June 29 and 30, 2004
- Agenda
- Coordinated Statewide Leadership: Status #2 and LCC&F2 (unapproved)
- Unapproved Bill Drafts:
- Potential Legislative Bill Draft Requests for Committee Consideration
- June 29 - Minutes
- June 30 - Minutes
August 27, 2004
Assigned Studies:
- House Joint Resolution No. 3: Study Plan, Issues and Options, Recommendations to Law and Justice Committee:
- Memo (recs only), Longer version (with background)
- Senate Joint Resolution No 11: Study Plan, Issues and Options,
- Policy Areas, Preliminary Proposals, Status Memo April, Status Memo June
Staff Reports: