Montana State Legislature
2003-2004 Energy and Telecommunications Committee
September 9 & 10, 2004 agenda, minutes, minutes
June 9-10, 2004 agenda (revised June 7), minutes, minutes
- Governor's Recommendations on Residential Energy Codes and Self-Certification of Residential ConstructionGovernor's Recommendations on Ring Fencing
- Potential PSC Legislation (June 7, 2004) Memo re: Providing the Option for a Default Supplier to Rate-Base Default Supply (May 21, 2004)
- Attachment: LC 1010
- Memo re: Universal System Benefits (USB) -- Electricity Laws (May 23, 2004)
- Attachment: LC 0004
- Memo re: Public Service Commission (PSC) Review of Utility Transactions (May 24, 2004)
- Attachment: LC 5555
- Memo re: Revision of Laws Related to the ETIC and Energy Policy (April 5, 2004)
- Attachment: LC 7777 revising the laws related to the ETIC and Energy Policy
- Roundup Power Project: PowerPoint Presentation by Joe Dickey
March 25, 2004 agenda, minutes
January 29-30, 2004 agenda (revised Jan. 27), minutes, minutes
November 20, 2003 agenda (revised Nov. 16), minutes
The ETIC is seeking public comment through September 1, 2004, on the following bill drafts:
To read the bill text, please select and click on the individual bill draft number.
Please email comments to Todd Everts (
Memos, Reports, and Related Information
- PSC Authority Over Utility Transactions
- PSC memo re: Authority Over Utility Transactions (Oct. 31, 2003)
- SB 234 (2003)
- Minutes from hearing on SB 234 (click on January 28)
- Minutes from executive action on SB 234 (click on February 18)
- Ring Fencing
- PSC memo re: Ring fencing (October 27, 2003)
- Ring Fencing Mechanisms for Insulating a Utility (2003)
- Oregon PUC Ring Fencing Briefing (November 2003)
- Comparison of Oregon and Montana Law Prepared by Al Brogan, PSC (January 2004)
- Default Supply of Electricity (General)
- Ownership and Rate-Basing of Generation Assets for Default Supply of Electricity
- PowerPoint Presentation by David Hoffman, PPL Montana
- Procurement of Default Supply of Electricity
- Letter from PSC to NorthWestern Energy (NWE) officials re: Delayed electric portfolio filing (Dec. 30, 2003)
- Letter from NWE officials to PSC re: electric default supply portfolio filing (Jan. 16, 2004)
- NorthWestern Technical Advisory Committee Presentation
- Transmission
- Western Interconnect PowerPoint Presentation (November 20, 2003
- Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. (MISO) and Organization of MISO States PowerPoint Presentation
- Universal System Benefits (USB)
- Universal System Benefits (USB) Programs Workbook (Nov. 9, 2003)
- Summary of Comments Received on USB Programs
- NW Energy Coalition (NWEC) comments
- AARP Montana comments
- MontPIRG comments
- National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) comments
- KEMA-XENERGY comments
- Don Quander on behalf of the Montana Large Customer Group (LCG) comments
- Pat Judge, Montana Environmental Information Center (MEIC) comments
- Gregg Groepper for the Board of Directors of Energy Share of Montana (Energy Share) comments
- Attachment (Fact Sheet on Montana's Poor and the Need for Low-Income Energy Assistance)
- Attachment (Energy Share)
- Attachment (Energy Share USB Assistance)
- Montana Electric Cooperatives' Association (MECA) comments
- Renewable Northwest Project (RNP) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) comments
- NorthWestern Energy (NWE) comments
- Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance information
- Rocky Mountain Development Center comments
- Working for Equality and Economic Liberation (WEEL) comments
- March 19, 2004 letter from 10 organizations
- Legal opinion re: Carry Forward of Unspent USB Funds (Nov. 19, 2003)
- 2003 Legislation
- Miscellaneous
Note: If you would like an attachment that is not displayed on the website, please contact Mary Vandenbosch. The quickest way to obtain an attachment is to send a fax number.
Bankruptcy Information
- It's Time for NorthWestern to Respond to State's Concerns in Bankruptcy(Bob Rowe, PSC, March 2004)
- What Should Montana Want in the Northwestern Bankruptcy (Bob Rowe, PSC, March 2004)
- Utility Bankruptcy Basics (November 2003 Interim article)
- Memo from PSC attorney Al Brogan re: General Information on Utility Bankruptcy (Sep. 22, 2003)
- Issues in A Utility Bankruptcy (Brogan PowerPoint Presentation, Sep. 12, 2003)
- Memo from ETIC attorney Todd Everts re: Additional Northwestern Bankruptcy Issues (Sep. 4, 2003)
- Northwestern News Release re: Bankruptcy Filing (Sep. 15, 2003)
- Letter from NWE re: USB Programs (Sep. 19, 2003)