Montana State Legislature
2003-2004 Law and Justice Committee
The Law and Justice Interim Committee (LJIC) is 12-member bipartisan statutorily provided for interim committee of the state Legislature. The LJIC is responsible for monitoring programs and policies carried out by the Department of Corrections and the Department of Justice. Monitoring duties include:
- reviewing the agency's proposed administrative rules
- reviewing and requesting legislation proposed by the agency's
- monitoring agency programs with respect to legislative appropriations and policy intent
The LJIC also acts as the Legislature's primary liaison with the Judicial Branch and conducts legislatively requested studies assigned by the Legislative Council.
1. Aug. 5, 2003: Full Committee: Mtg #1
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Proposed Work Plan (was not adopted, new work plan being developed)
2. Oct. 23, 2003: Full Committee: Mtg #2
- Agenda
- Minutes
3. March 20, 2004: Full Committee: Mtg #3
- Agenda
- Minutes
4. April 30, 2004: Subcommittee to Revise the Public Defender System: Mtg #1
- Agenda
- Minutes
5. May 20, 2004: Full Committee: Mtg #4
- Agenda
- Minutes
6. June 28, 2004: Subcommittee to Revise the Public Defender System: Mtg #2
- Agenda
- Minutes
7. August 9, 2004: Subcommittee to Revise the Public Defender System: Mtg. #3
- Agenda
- Minutes
8. August 10, 2004: Full Committee: Mtg #5
- Agenda
- Minutes
9. September 8, 2004: Full Committee: Mtg #6
- Agenda
- Minutes
- For the Defense: Enacting a Public Defender System in Montana Final Report to the Law and Justice Interim Committee
August 5, 2003
October 23, 2003
March 20, 2004
- Montana's Public Defender System: Issues & Options #1
- PowerPoint Presentation on Issues & Options #1
- Options Chart: Public Defender Study
- Fiscal Report - Public Defender Study (PDF of PowerPoint), LFD
September 8, 2004
Agency Monitoring
The Law and Justice Interim Committee (LJIC) is statutorily responsible for monitoring the programs and activities of the following agencies:
The LJIC is also the Legislature's primary liaison with the Judicial Branch:
- Supreme Court
- Clerk of the Supreme Court
- District Courts
- Montana Water Court
- Montana Workers' Compensation Court
The Law and Justice Interim Committee (LJIC) previews legislation being prepared by the following agencies for introduction in the next legislative session:
- Department of Corrections
- Department of Justice
- Judicial Branch
The LJIC has requested the following bills as committee-sponsored legislation:
- LC0214: Montana Public Defender Act (committee's working draft as of Sept. 8, 2004)
- the draft at the link above has not yet been processed through formal legal review and editing so is subject to change.
- click here to track the status of this bill during the session and get the most current official versions of the bill available
- LC0215 providing driver's license renewal for overseas military dependents
- click here to track the status of this bill during the session and to get the most current official versions of the bill
Rule Review
The Law and Justice Interim Committee (LJIC) is responsible for reviewing administrative rules proposed by the:
- Department of Corrections
- Department of Justice
The committee's staff attorney analyzes each proposed rule for compliance with the Montana Administrative Procedures Act (MAPA), which specifies the public process to be used when developing and adopting administrative rules. MAPA also provides that rules must be consistent with the intent of the state statute being implemented and that the agency may adopt a rule only if the agency has specific legislative authority to do so.
The LJIC will determine as a committee how best to fulfill its rule review responsibilities and will integrate this duty into the committee's regular work plan and meeting agendas. Any special activities specifically related to rule review issues being considered by the LJIC will be posted to this web page as appropriate.
The following documents provide more information about interim committee rule review functions:
- Staff paper on the legal theory of legislative review of executive rules -- PDF file
- Memorandum listing interim committee rule review powers -- PDF file