Montana State Legislature
HB 790 Subcommittee
Split Estates - Coal Bed Methane
(HB 790) Subcommittee
Subcommittee Staff
Joe Kolman, Research Analyst
Cynthia Peterson, Legislative Secretary
General Information:
For Meetings that have audio with minutes, please use the audio archive lookup page.
- Members
- 2005-06 Revised Meeting Calendar
- Work Plan
- Minutes
To access the minutes, click on the date of the meeting.
Subcommittee Activities:
- Assigned Studies
- Staff briefs and reports
- Split Estates: The Relationship Between Surface and Minerals
- A Guide to Split Estates in Oil and Gas Development
- Subcommittee member poll results
- Federal and state split estate regulations in Wyoming
- Options for surface damage and agreement statutes
- HB 790 study index
- Split estates related to oil and gas production
- Overview of statutes relevant to the HB 790 study
- Flow chart of regulatory process for development of federal minerals
- Flow chart of regulatory process for development of state or private minerals
- Summary of state and federal surface damage regulations
- Model Surface Use and Mineral Development Accommodation Act
- Rule Review
- 2007 Legislation
- Proposed revisions to split estate law
- Draft bill (3-16-06)
Draft bill (4-14-06)
Draft bill (5-4-06)
Draft bill (5-26-06)
Draft bill (8-21-06)
- Draft bill (3-16-06)
- Proposed revisions to split estate law
- Related Links