Montana State Legislature
Evaluate Montana's Energy Transmission Systems
The issue of this study is to evaluate the adequacy of Montana's transmission lines to accommodate development and transmission of Montana's diverse energy resources. In the last interim the ETIC reviewed this subject and brought forwardH.B. 114 to create the "Montana Energy Transmission and Transportation Authority Act." The bill was tabled by the Senate Finance and Claims Committee.
In the 2007 Special Session, the Legislature approved H.B. 3, which provides incentives to support the development of transmission lines for "clean and renewable" energy projects. H.B. 2, approved during the 2007 Special Session, also allocated $660,000 to the Department of Commerce to create an Energy Infrastructure and Promotion Division. This new division will focus its efforts on improving transmission in Montana.
Work Plan
The committee allocated .03 FTE to this topic. The ETIC will track the progress of transmission projects proposed in Montana and receive regular reports from the Energy Infrastructure Promotion Division. The wind costs/savings study also will take a look at the issue of ancillary services as they relate to transmission.
Deliverables include potential legislation to enhance or improve upon transmission in Montana.
Staff Reports