Montana State Legislature
SJR 35 Study: Health Care
SJR 35 Study: Health Care
The 2009 Legislature approved Senate Joint Resolution 35, for a study of matters related to health care. The study resolution called for monitoring and evaluating a number of items involving ongoing health care issues, including reforms at the federal level that may require or provide opportunities for state action.
At its June 2010 meeting, the Committee will hear presentations on health insurance exchanges that Massachusetts and Utah have put in place. It also will hear more about defensive medicine, childhood health legislation, and other issues related to the federal health care legislation.
As part of this study, the Committee has:
- heard presentations on various provisions of the new federal health care legislation, particularly those provisions that will require state action, affect the state budget, or affect Montanans;
- discussed tort reform issues, including medical malpractice costs and defensive medicine;
- reviewed health care workforce issues, including state programs that exist to educate and train doctors and to encourage doctors to practice in rural areas of Montana;
- heard presentations on chronic disease prevention and health promotion efforts, at the state and local levels and within the school system; and
- learned more about the plans for increasing the use of health information technology by physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers.
These activities have been based on the study plan adopted by the Committee in June 2009. Based on the information it has gathered to date, the Committee has:
- sent a letter to the Department of Labor and Industry asking that health care licensing boards begin to collect data related to primary care practitioners so the state can better plan for meeting health care workforce needs;
- sent a letter to the Board of Public Education asking that schools be encouraged to promote good nutrition and physical activity as a way of preventing childhood obesity;
- sent a letter to the Montana congressional delegation asking that a freeze on Medicare funding for medical residency positions be lifted; and
- sent a letter urging the delegation to consider changes to the reimbursement system used by Medicare as Congress worked on health care reform efforts.
Staff Reports
- Swimming in Murky Waters: Thoughts on "Safe Harbor" Legislation: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, June 2010
- Body Mass Index Legislation: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, June 2010
- Summary of Selected Elements of the Federal Health Care Legislation: Sue O'Connell, April 2010
- State Reaction to Federal Health Reform: Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, April 2010
- Defensive Medicine--Recent Study Results: Sue O'Connell, April 2010
- Medical Malpractice Insurance Data for Montana: Sue O'Connell, April 2010
- Federal Tort Claims Act and Community Health Centers: Sue O'Connell, April 2010
- Medical Malpractice -- Montana's Approach to Limiting Liability: Sue O'Connell, January 2010
- Montana's Medical Education, Training and Incentive Programs: Sue O'Connell, January 2010
- UPDATE: Comparison of Selected Elements of Federal Health Care Reform Efforts: Sue O'Connell, December 2009
- Federal Reforms: A Look at Health Insurance Exchanges: Sue O'Connell, November 2009
- The ABCs of HIT--Health Information Technology: Sue O'Connell, November 2009
- The Insured and Uninsured in Montana: Sue O'Connell, September 2009
- Primary Care Issues and Health Care Reform: Sue O'Connell, September 2009
- Comparison of Selected Elements of Federal Health Care Reform Efforts: Sue O'Connell, September 2009
- Glossary of Federal Health Care Reform Terms
Related Links and Study Materials
- Massachusetts Health Care Reform--The Role of the State’s Health Connector: PowerPoint Presentation by Rosemarie Day, Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, June 28, 2010
- The Utah Health Exchange: PowerPoint Presentation by Cheryl Smith, Utah Office of Consumer Health Services, June 28, 2010
- The Role of the Exchange and Lessons from Massachusetts: PowerPoint Presentation by Robert L. Carey, Public Consulting Group, June 28, 2010
- Analysis of Health Care Reform Effects on Montana's Medicaid and CHIP Programs: Department of Public Health and Human Services, April 26, 2010
- Federal Allocations and Guidance for State High-Risk Pools: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, April 23, 2010
- Committee Letter to Congressional Delegation Regarding Residency Training Slots: Feb. 9, 2010
- HealthShare Montana PowerPoint on Health Information Technology: HealthShare Montana, Nov. 16, 2009
- Committee Letter to Congressional Delegation Regarding Primary Care Issues, Oct. 1, 2009
- Insure Montana Program PowerPoint: State Auditor's Office, Sept. 21, 2009
- Allied Health Provider Workforce PowerPoint: Montana Hospital Association, Sept. 21, 2009
- Montana's Primary Care Workforce: Report by the Montana Office of Rural Health, August 2009
- National Conference of State Legislatures Federal Health Care Reform Web Site
- Kaiser Family Foundation Side-by-Side Comparison Tool for Federal Health Care Reform Bills
- Facing the Gordian Knots of Health Care Reform: Final Report of the HJR 48 Study (2007-08)