Montana State Legislature
2009-2010 Districting and Apportionment Commission
The Districting and Apportionment Commission has authority under the Montana Constitution to draw the boundaries of congressional and legislative districts every 10 years, using population data from the most recent U.S. Census. Montana is one of only thirteen states that give the primary responsibility for drawing legislative districts to a commission.
After results from the 2010 Census are available, the current Commission must complete a Congresisonal redistricting plan within 90 days. The legislative redistricting plan will be presented to the 2013 Legislature for review and recommendations. The Legislature has 30 days to make recommendations to the Commission. Within 30 days of receiving the Legislature's recommendations, the Commission must file the redistricting plan with the Secretary of State and it becomes law. Although the Commission may modify the plan to accommodate the Legislature's recommendations, it is not required to do so. The legislative plan will be in effect for the 2014 election cycle.
The Commission's work plan outlines a tentative schedule to complete its constitutionally required work.
Districting Criteria, as adopted by Commission on May 28th, 2010
Full Meeting Schedule
- Friday, April 24, 2009
- Thursday, April 30, 2009
- Thursday, May 7, 2009
- Thursday, September 24, 2009
- Thursday, April 8, 2010
- Monday, April 12, 2010
- Monday, April 19, 2010
- Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - postponed
- Friday, May 28, 2010
- Monday, May 16, 2011
Printable list of April 2010 public hearings
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
- Agenda
- Minutes - Approved
- Audio/Video
- News release
Handouts from the Census and Economic Development Center, Montana Department of Commerce
Additional handouts from staff
- Future Commission Decision Points
- History of Legislative Districting Criteria in Montana, 1974-2000
- Summary of Montana Court Cases and AG Opinions
Thursday, April 8, 2010
- Time: 6:30 p.m.
- Locations:
- Helena -- Room 152, State Capitol
- Commissioners, staff, members of the public
(Please arrive on time for the Capitol meeting; doors will lock at 7 p.m.)
- Commissioners, staff, members of the public
- Great Falls -- Great Falls College of Technology, Room B-133
-- 2100 16th Avenue South- Members of the public will participate via videoconference link to Helena
- Members of the public will participate via videoconference link to Helena
- Havre -- MSU-Northern, Hagener Science Center, Room 202 -- 300 11th Street West
- Members of the public will participate via videoconference link to Helena
- Helena -- Room 152, State Capitol
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Audio/Video
- Legislative Redistricting Criteria Considerations
- Legal memo: Criteria for Redistricting in Montana
- Written public comment- April 8, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
- Time: 6:30 p.m.
- Locations:
- Missoula -- Gallagher Business Building, Room 104
-- University of Montana, Corner of Arthur and Eddy- Commissioners, staff, members of the public
- Missoula -- Gallagher Business Building, Room 104
- Kalispell -- Flathead Valley Community College, Room LC-120
-- 777 Grandview Drive- Members of the public will participate via videoconference link to Missoula
- Kalispell -- Flathead Valley Community College, Room LC-120
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Audio
- Legislative Redistricting Criteria Considerations
- Legal memo: Criteria for Redistricting in Montana
- Written public comment - April 12, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
- Time: 6:30 p.m.
- Locations:
- Billings -- MSU-Billings, 1st Floor Conference Room
-- 214 N. Broadway- Commissioners, staff, and members of the public
- Commissioners, staff, and members of the public
- Miles City -- Miles Community College, Room 313
-- 2715 Dickinson Street- Members of the public will participate via videoconference link to Billings
- Billings -- MSU-Billings, 1st Floor Conference Room
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Audio
- Legislative Redistricting Criteria Considerations
- Legal memo: Criteria for Redistricting in Montana
- Written public comment - April 19, 2010
Thursday, April 27, 2010 - POSTPONED
Friday, May 28, 2010
- Agenda - updated 5/24
- Minutes
- Audio/Video
- Legislative Redistricting Criteria Considerations
- Checklist for Selecting Redistricting Criteria
- Written public comment - May 14, 2010
The May 14 public comments are split into eight files to reduce the file size. All comments were forwarded to the commissioners.
Monday, May 16, 2011
- Tentative agenda
- Minutes -- draft
- Audio/Video
- Additional meeting materials, if any, will be posted when available.
Article V, Section 14(2) of the Montana Constitution provides that the redistricting and reapportioning of the state shall be carried out by a commission of five citizens and lists the manner in which those commissioners are to be selected.
- Commissioners are selected in the session immediately before a federal census.
- Commissioners may not be public officials.
- The majority and minority leaders of each house of the Legislature select one commissioner.
- The first four commissioners have 20 days to select the fifth member, who will also be the Commission's presiding officer.
- The Supreme Court selects the fifth commissioner if the first four are unable to select a commissioner within the 20 days.
Printable List of Commissioners
The majority and minority leaders of each house of the Legislature selected commissioners in April 2009, as is required by the Montana Constitution.
After an initial meeting, first four commissioners met twice in the spring of 2009 to discuss possible candidates to be the presiding officer. Since they were unable to agree on a fifth commissioner within the 20 days given them by the Montana Constitution, the commissioners then requested the Court to select the fifth commissioner. On May 22, 2009, the Court unanimously selected former Justice Jim Regnier as the fifth commissioner and presiding officer.
Appointed by the Montana Supreme Court:
Jim Regnier, Presiding Officer
Post Office Box 299
Lakeside, MT 59922
(406) 459-3318
Appointed by Senate Majority Leader Jim Peterson:
Linda Vaughey
2505 Southridge Drive
Helena, MT 59601
(406) 457-9171
Appointed by House Majority Leader Margarett Campbell:
Joe Lamson
612 Touchstone Court
Helena, MT 59601
(406) 442-7378
Appointed by Senate Minority Leader Carol Williams:
Pat Smith
405 South First West
Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 721-1070
Appointed by House Minority Leader Scott Sales:
Jon Bennion
89 Whitetail
Clancy, MT 59634
(406) 697-0568
Printable list of Districting Commissioners
You may also contact the commission as a whole by using the following contact information:
Districting and Apportionment Commission
Legislative Services Division
PO Box 201706
Helena, MT 59620-1706
Phone: (406) 444-3064
Fax: (406) 444-3036
Please note that correspondence will be copied and provided to all commissioners. It also becomes part of the Commission's permanent public record.
Citizens' Guide to Legislative Districting
Staff Reports for 2009-2013 Commission
- 2010 Ideal Districting Timeline
- Summary of Montana Court Cases and AG Opinions
- History of Legislative Districting Criteria in Montana, 1974-2000 - updated 2/16/10
- Legal Memo: Criteria for Redistricting in Montana
Other Documents
- Census Proclamation
- Open Letter from Bennion and Vaughey to the Supreme Court
- Summary 2000 Round Public Meeting/Hearing Schedule
- Commission Op-ed on Census and 2010 Public Hearings
- Redistricting article in the Interim Newsletter - October 2010
Useful Documents from Previous Commissions
- Primer on Districting and Apportionment Basic Facts
- Talking Points on Redistricting
- Guidelines and Criteria for Congressional and Legislative Redistricting
- Mandatory and Discretionary Criteria for Redistricting
- Operational Guidelines for Congressional and Legislative Redistricting
- Aggregation and Allocation of Data on Race
- 2000 Districting Commission
- 1990 Districting Commission
- Montana Census and Economic Information Center (No Longer Available)
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- Current Legislative District Map
- Legislative District Picker - Montana Natural Resource Information (NRIS)
- Montana Constitution - Districting and Apportionment
- NCSL Redistricting Information
- Rachel Weiss, Research Analyst
- Joe Kolman, Research Analyst
- Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson, Attorney
- Dawn Field, Secretary
Feel free to contact the Commission via email, mail, or fax by using the following contact information:
Districting and Apportionment Commission
Legislative Services Division
PO Box 201706
Helena, MT 59620-1706
Phone: (406) 444-3064
Fax: (406) 444-3036
Please note that correspondence will be copied and provided to all commissioners. It also becomes part of the Commission's permanent record.