Montana State Legislature

State HIPAA Laws and Work Comp

Proposed language sent to Subcommittee Members (LMAC text). Commentwith optional language from Erin MacLean.

Proposed legislationBill draft wcwc 5-14 version; Draft 2-releaseDraft wc3;
old Bill draft wcwc for comparison

The subcommittee asked interested persons to submit comments to staff attorney Bart Campbell by May 20, 2010, regarding proposed legislation. Click to see comments previously submitted. New Comments May 21. Sample Provider Forms


June 24 - Capitol. Agenda, Handouts 1 & 2, Listen, Minutes
May 24 - Capitol. AgendaListenMinutes
May 10 - Teleconference call, . For those attending in person: Capitol.
Agenda; Draft MinutesListen
March 30 -  Capitol. Agenda
October Workgroup Agenda


Letter sent to LMAC conveying subcommittee preferences
History of HIPAA and Personal Health Information Privacy in Montana
Outline of HIPAA Issues from Erin MacLean 
Optional Language for Including Employer for Return-to-Work

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