Montana State Legislature
Work Group on LMAC Bill Medical Issues
Work Group on LMAC Bill Medical Issues
NOV. 10 - The third work group is to start at 9 a.m. Nov. 10 at the Department of Labor and Industry Offices, 2nd floor conference room, 1805 Prospect Ave., Helena
The agenda is similar to that for the previous two discussions. The following may be discussed at that session:
--Proposed rules for the medical fee schedule
OCT. 28 - The second work group was at the Department of Labor and Industry Offices, 2nd floor conference room, 1805 Prospect Ave., Helena.
The following materials were made available Oct. 28:
-- Two alternative language options for 39-71-704 -- 1 and 2
-- Responses to MMA Survey of Members on reaction to "reimbursement cuts"
-- Table from MMA listing comparing conversion factors
-- Department of Labor and Industry inpatient conversion factors
-- Department of Labor and Industry facility/nonfacility fee schedule data
-- Oregon premium ranking table
OCT. 19 - The first work group was in Room 137 of the Capitol. The following materials were made available:
--Dept. of Labor and Industry request for data & chart, medical benefit as percent of claims, national benchmarks for Medicare/work comp
--Cost-Data Analysis by Frank Neuhauser
--Montana Hospital Assn. memo, data, and nationwide comparison
--Montana Medical Assn. cost per Relative Value Unit, physician perspective report, comparison with other states, conversion factor updates, and comparisons
--Neurology practice cost centers for Health Insurance, Medicare, Work Comp patients
--Rehabilitation providers report
--Participants and summary notes