Montana State Legislature
Assigned Studies
Education and Local Government Assigned Studies
HJR 32 Historic Preservation
The resolution requests an interim study of the impact of and strategies for historic preservation. The following points are identified in the resolution or were expressed at the hearing:
- The State of Montana owns over 1,000 historic and cultural properties and is responsible for maintaining those properties on behalf of the state's citizens.
- Additional historic and cultural properties are owned by local, federal, and tribal entities and by private citizens who wish to restore and maintain them.
- Appropriately-maintained historic and cultural properties attract tourism and provide economic benefits to communities.
- A number of programs exist in which citizens and communities can participate to enhance their cultural properties but funding is spotty and sources of funding are not well known or understood.
- Many who own historic and cultural properties are not aware of the benefits of restoring and maintaining those properties and are not aware of the available funding assistance.
- State and local support for funding of historic and cultural property restoration and maintenance takes many forms, all of which should be evaluated--along with federal funding sources--to determine whether changes or enhancements may be appropriate.
- Historic preservation programs and opportunities should be evaluated to determine their impacts on the state and local economies and on tourism.
SJR 2 Community College Establishment
The community college establishment process provided for in Title 20, chapter 15, part 2, MCA, was used for the first time during the 2007-2008 interim. That first test of the process raised questions as to what entity is best suited to bear certain responsibilities and costs.
In completing the study, staff would consult with the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, the Montana Secretary of State, the participants in the Bitterroot Valley Community College establishment process, and others to:
- conduct a comprehensive review of the community college establishment process;
- identify the entities best suited to take responsibility for receiving voter petitions, ordering the election of trustees, calling for the nominations of trustee candidates, giving election notices, conducting elections, certifying election results, and taking statutory steps to create a new community college district; and
- identify the costs incurred in fulfilling these responsibilities and how those costs might be funded.