Montana State Legislature
ELG Subcommittee on Shared Policy Goals and Accountability Measures
The Subcommittee consists of four legislators. Representation will also be sought from the following four education entities that are identified in the resolutions: Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Board of Public Education, the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, and the Board of Regents.
This subcommittee will focus on developing three sets of shared policy goals and accountability measures:
- One set for postsecondary education (OCHE & BoR) which is already in progress
- One set for K-12 entities (OPI & BPE) as urged in HJR-6
- One set for K-20 entities (OPI, BPE, OCHE, & BoR) as urged in SJR-8
Sen. Bob Hawks (D)
Rep. Edith McClafferty (D)
Sen. Jim Peterson (R)
Rep. Bob Lake (R)
Meeting Schedule and Meeting Materials
- November 9, 2009 -- Agenda -- Minutes
- December 10, 2009 -- Agenda -- Minutes
- March 11, 2010 -- Agenda -- Minutes
- June 9, 2010 -- Agenda -- Minutes
Staff Reports
- K-12 Shared Policy Goals and Accountability Measures
- K-20 Shared Policy Goals and Accountability Measures
- Montana University System (MUS) Shared Policy Goals and Accountability Measures