Montana State Legislature
Track Federal Greenhouse Gas Reduction Efforts
Track Federal Greenhouse Gas Reduction Efforts
This topic was suggested in an effort to review or track certain issues, primarily related to proposed, federal greenhouse gas cap and trade or carbon tax programs. The proposal is similar to SJ 36, which was contemplated by the 2009 Legislature. SJ 36, which died on a tie vote in House Federal Relations, Energy and Telecommunications, was brought in response to the federal government moving forward with the development of national programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The design of such a program could require individual state responsibilities in certain areas, and the overall goal of the study was to analyze the potential impacts of such a program on Montana's environment and economy.
Work Plan
The ETIC dedicated .08 FTE to this study. The committee will track federal legislation related to greenhouse gas reduction efforts.
Included in this study will be an overview of Montana-specific issues and impacts related to potential federal greenhouse gas reduction programs, including a carbon tax and/or cap and trade. A panel discussion that includes industry representatives, greenhouse gas reduction program specialists, and state agency personnel currently tracking federal legislation will be planned.
During the ETIC's November 9-10 meeting the committee heard from a four-person panel on the topic of federal greenhouse gas reduction efforts. The panel discussion can be reviewed in the audio minutes for the November meeting. Handouts and Powerpoint presentations from the panelists are included below:
- Chuck Magraw, Natural Resources Defense Council
- Dave Galt, Montana Petroleum Association
- Kyla Wiens, Montana Environmental Information Center
- ----Wiens Follow-up Information
- David Hoffman, PPL Montana
Related Study Materials
H.R. 2454 American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (as placed on the Senate calendar)
S. 1733 Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act (as introduced in the Senate)
Western Climate Initiative
The Climate Registry
Draft Legislation