Montana State Legislature
2009-2010 State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Committee
The State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee (SAVA) is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The SAVA: (1) monitors the activities of the Department of Administration, the Department of Military Affairs, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices, and entities attached to the named departments and offices for administrative purposes; (2) examines policy issues that include: procurement; information technology; state employee pay and benefits; tort claims; elections; campaign financing and practices; the National Guard and armories; veterans; and disaster and emergency services; and public employee retirement systems; and (3) makes recommendations to the full legislature on topics within the Committee's purview. The SAVA's responsibilities include reviewing the administrative rules of assigned executive branch agencies (Administration; Military Affairs; SOS; Political Practices).
- Tentative agenda
- Minutes (Approved at June 24, 2011 Meeting)
- Memo to SAVA members
- Board of Veterans' Affairs biennial report - July 2010
- Draft of possible mail ballot bill
- Letters from LJIC and EAIC
- Public Defender Commission legislative proposals
- LC 148 - Clarify sponsor notification for administrative rules
- LC 253 - Amend MAPA to change required language of an e-notice of proposed rule
- LC 251 - Table of provisions (money purchase plans)
- LC 252 - Table of provisions (PRO for TRS)
- DRAFT final report for HJR 35 study
- Table of actions for retirement proposal review -- September 13, 2010
- Outline of proposed final report topics
Agency Oversight
- Department of Administration - ITSD
- Department of Administration - HCBD
- Department of Administration - AE
Additional Information
- Memo: Public Employees' Retirement Administration to SAVA regarding retirement system benefit numbers
- Retirement system average and median benefits
- PERS Top 100 benefits
- PERS Bottom 100 benefits
- JRS Top 100 benefits
- GWPORS Top 100 benefits
- HPORS Top 100 benefits
- SRS Top 100 benefits
- MPORS Top 100 benefits
- FURS Top 100 benefits
- VFCA Top 100 benefits
- Tentative agenda (updated 8/12)
- Minutes -- draft
- Montana TRS Benefit Design Study -- Cavanaugh Macdonald
- Montana PERS Benefit Design Study -- Cheiron
- Confirmation of Cost Analysis: TRS-- Buck Consultants
- Confirmation of Cost Analysis: PERS -- Buck Consultants
- Reference book options -- Legislative Fiscal Division
Retirement Proposals Review
- Table of actions for retirement proposal review -- August 17, 2010
- Summary of stakeholder retirement proposals -- May 19, 2010
- Summary of agency retirement proposals -- June 24-25, 2010
- Memo: Draft reports for section 5-5-228, MCA, review
- Draft reports for retirement proposal review
Other materials--not on agenda
- Memo: Follow up on "salary spiking" within state government
- Appendices A, B, and C for "salary spiking" memo
- Information request related to "salary spiking"
- TIAA-CREF ORP historical returns
- story relating to TRS
- Tentative agenda - updated 6/23/2010
- Minutes -- June 24, 2010 (Approved) -- June 25, 2010 (Approved)
- SB 90 (2009)
- Legislative proposal - Montana Association of Clerks and Recorders
- Memo: "Salary Spiking" Within State Government
The following slides are initial screen shots that will be subject to change during SAVA's Friday meeting based on input to the consultants from the committee members. They are not recommendations but starting points for the committee to consider.
- Initial Presentation Slides for TRS - Buck Consultants
- Initial Presentation Slides for PERS - Buck Consultants
Retirement Proposal Review
- Table of actions for retirement proposals - June 24-25, 2010
- Summary of Stakeholder Retirement Proposals - May 19, 2010
Agency Oversight
- Memo: Agency bill draft procedures
- Agency legislative proposals (scroll to bottom of the resulting page)
- 2004-2009 TRS experience study
- 2003-2009 PERB experience study
- Department of Administration updates
- Agenda (Updated)
- Minutes (Approved)
- Summary of Stakeholder Retirement Proposals
- List of Retirement Proposals - Stakeholders (May 19 version)
- Definitions of "compensation" in Montana's public employee retirement systems
- Initial Presentation Slides - Buck Consultants
- Benefits/Individual Account Plans Presentation - Buck Consultants
- REVISED agenda for April 23
- Tentative agenda- updated 4/16
- Minutes - April 22, 2010 (Approved) -- April 23, 2010 (Approved)
- Policy design goals worksheet
- Memo: Retirement policy proposal review
- Sample report of proposal review
Agency Oversight
Non-Agency Legislative Proposals to Amend Retirement Systems
- List of Retirement Proposals-Stakeholders (April 22 version)
- Public Safety Communications Officials
- Montana Judges Association
- Montana State Firemen's Association
- MEA-MFT: Professional Retirement Option
- MEA-MFT: Optional Retirement Program
- Association of Montana Retired Public Employees (AMRPE)
- Tentative agenda (update 3/15/10)
- Minutes -- (Approved)
- HB659 requirements
- RFP sections 3.4 and 3.5
- Retirement survey - SAVA members
- HJR 35 White Paper on Bonus Pay Policy and Practices in Montana State Government
- Handout Section 2 (Buck Consultants)
- Handout Sections 3-6 (Buck Consultants)
- Results of retirement survey of SAVA members (Section 7, Buck handout)
- SAVA Retirement plan policy design worksheet (Section 8, Buck handout)
- Review and Recommendation of Proposals (HB659 study/redesign)
House Bill No. 659 Study
Plan Design Worksheets
- Firefighters' Unified Retirement System (FURS)
- Game Wardens' and Peace Officers' Retirement System (GWPORS)
- Highway Patrol Officers' Retirement System (HPORS)
- Judges' Retirement System (JRS)
- Municipal Police Officers' Retirement System (MPORS)
- Sheriffs' Retirement System (SRS)
- Volunteer Firefighters' Compensation Act (VFCA)
Decision Log Sheet, HB 659 RFP, December 11, 2009
Agency Oversight
- Update: Department of Military Affairs
- Update: Department of Administration
- Update: Secretary of State
Other Materials
- Legal Memo: Constitutionality of Potential Legislation Modifying GABA
- Legal Memo: Addendum to August 14, 2009, Memo Regarding GABA
- Legal Memo: 1998 Memo to CPERS, as referenced in the August 14, 2009, memo
- Principles and Guidelines for Public Retirement Systems
- Retirement Systems' Summary 2009 (from LFD)
- 2006 Report on the Optional Retirement Program (Montana University System)
- State Retirement Annuity Case Law
- Principles and Guidelines for Public Retirement Systems (as adopted at the Dec. 11, 2009 meeting)
- Agenda (revised 10/28/09)
- Minutes
October 29, 2009 (Approved)
October 30, 2009 (Approved)
House Bill No. 659 Study
- HB 659 Checklist
- Plan Design Worksheets
- Memo for Request for Information (RFI)
- Request for Information (RFI)
Presentation Materials
- Employee Pay in Montana's Executive Branch -- Paula Stoll, State Human Resource Division
- Actuaries 101 -- Stephen McElhaney, Cheiron
- Presentation of 2009 Actuarial Valuation Results (PERB systems) -- Stephen McElhaney, Cheiron
- Presentation of 2009 Actuarial Valuation Results (TRS) -- Ed Macdonald, Cavanaugh Macdonald
- Board of Investments Memo to SAVA -- Carroll South, Montana Board of Investments
- State Retirement System Defined Contribution Plans -- Ron Snell, National Conference of State Legislatures
- Public Retirement Benefit Plan Designs and Financing Arrangements -- Keith Brainard, NASRA
- Table: State Hybrid Retirement Benefit Plans -- Keith Brainard, NASRA
- Biographies of speakers
Agency Oversight
- Board of Investments Memo re: Pensions and Investments
- Retirement Systems' Response to Board of Investments Memo
- Update: Department of Military Affairs
- Update: Department of Administration
Other Materials
- The Million-Dollar Question: Final Report of the SAVA Committee
- Bonus Pay Policy and Practices in Montana State Government: Final Report on the HJR35 study
- Required Review of Proposed Statutory Changes to Montana's Retirement Systems