Montana State Legislature
STRC Legislation
The State-Tribal Relations Committee adopted 12 committee bills at its final meeting of the interim on September 7, 2018. They include the following:
Related to the study of improving Indian student achievement
- LCELMS - providing funding for school district programs serving English Learners
- Staff memo to STRC about LCELMS
- LCMILP - extending the termination date of the Montana Indian Language Preservation Program by 4 years
- LCCICA - extending the termination date of the Cultural Integrity and Committment Act by 4 years
Related to the SJ 3 study of improving reentry outcomes for American Indian offenders
- LCsj31 - creating the reentry cultural programming grant program
- LCsj32 - requiring a percentage of supportive housing grant program funding to be awarded to those serving American Indian offenders
- LCpmed - allowing certified behavioral health peer support services to qualify as medical assistance under the Montana Medicaid program
Related to discussion of missing persons in Indian Country
- LCdoj1 - establishing "Hanna's Act", authorizing the Department of Justice to assist with all missing persons cases
- LCdoj2 - revising laws related to missing persons reports
- LCdoj3 - a resolution requesting an interim study of options to break the cycle of youth who run away from home
- LCdoj4 - requiring a missing child report to be filed in certain custodial interference cases
- LCFOT2 - requiring the Office of Public Instruction to establish an electronic repository for school photos of children whose parents give permission for the photo to be held and shared with law enforcement if the child goes missing
- Description of fiscal impacts and potential costs associated with LCFOT2, Office of Public Instruction
Related to economic development
- LCbsd3 - revising the Big Sky Economic Development Program to provide additional grant funds for high unemployment counties