Montana State Legislature
2019-2020 Economic Affairs
Next Scheduled Meeting:
There are no meetings scheduled. The EAIC has finished its 2019-2020 interim.
Actions taken at the Sept. 10 EAIC meeting:
- Adopted committee bills:
- revising alcohol law for breweries, dual licenses;
- revising lodging taxes regarding sellers
- Forwarding to formal drafting bill proposals from:
- the Dept of Agriculture
- the Dept of Commerce
- the Dept of Labor & Industry
- the Dept of Livestock
- the State Auditor's Office
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
There are no upcoming meetings. The EAIC has finished its 2019-2020 work.
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About the Committee
The Economic Affairs Interim Committee (EAIC) is a joint bipartisan committee of the Montana House and Senate that meets between legislative sessions. The EAIC conducts interim studies and generally reviews issues related to business, labor, and economic development. Under agency oversight, the EAIC monitors the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Labor and Industry, and Livestock, as well as the Office of the State Auditor, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, the Montana State Fund, the Division of Banking and Financial Institutions, and the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division.
Committee Members
Committee Staff:
Pat Murdo, Lead Staff
Jameson Walker, Attorney
Fong Hom, Secretary
Work Plan from June 2019 meeting.
Work Plan for November 2019 meeting. Revised
Work Plan.
General Information:
- Interim Committee Guidelines
- Public Comment Guidelines
- 2019 Bills of Interest to the Economic Affairs Interim Committee
September 10, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video / Audio
July 1, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video / Audio
June 30, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video / Audio
April 30, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video / Audio
April 9, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video / Audio
February 13, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video / Audio
February 12, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video / Audio
January 15, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video / Audio
November 7, 2019: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video / Audio
September 11, 2019: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video / Audio
June 6, 2019: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video / Audio
The Economic Affairs Interim Committee received assignments from Legislative Council for three studies in the 2019-2020 interim:
- HJ29 - A study of Meat Inspections in Montana. No report
- SJ18 - A study of Professional and Occupational Licensing Related to Those with Criminal Convictions
- SJ24 - A study of the Lodging Facility Use Tax
STATUTORY DUTIES for the Economic Affairs Interim Committee includes agency monitoring of:
- The State Auditor's Office
- The Department of Agriculture
- The Department of Commerce
- The Department of Labor and Industry
- The Department of Livestock
- The Governor's Office of Economic Development. See 2019 report.
- Montana State Fund
- The Division of Banking and Financial Institutions
- The Alcoholic Beverage Control Division
The Economic Affairs Committee reviews rules of these agencies and receives reports, including reports of an Advisory Committee on Co-Located Labs established under HB 586. The Economic Affairs Committee also objected to a rule regarding vaping, which triggered a response from the Department of Public Health and Human Services and actions listed on the Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee website. CFHHS oversees DPHHS.
Member issues are also a component of the interim. The committee members decided to add a focus on alcohol laws, broadband, and implementation of presumptive disease for firefighters under workers' compensation. These were added to a revised work plan.
- The EAIC sent a letter to the Governor requesting use of CARES Act funds for broadband in Montana
The committee voted on the following to be introduced as committee bills:
- a broadband/cable incentive bill based on SB 239 (2019) ; with an added reporting component.
- a bill to change the terminology to "seller" from "owner/operator" for lodging facility use taxes
- a bill revising alcohol laws related to interior walls in breweries and dual license holding by spouses
Placeholder legislation to be considered at the Sept. 10 meeting included the following topics not adopted as committee bills:
- Expansion of gaming laws to include historical horseracing
- Revision of lodging facility use tax laws Revising Sales/Use Tax
Proposed EAIC-Monitored Agency Legislation (As proposed. For actual, introduced bills, see the LAWS website and search for agency name.)
Alcohol Beverage Control Division, Dept. of Revenue
Department of
Department of
Department of
Labor and Industry,
Board Proposals
Department of
State Auditor's Office