Montana State Legislature
COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 Updates
March 27 conference call joint meeting with LFC Education Subcommittee
- Agenda
- Executive Order 2-2020 (emergency declaration)
- Graphic summary of EO 2-2020 (LSD)
- Executive Order 3-2020 (amending EO 2-2020)
- MUS Fiscal Impact Categories (OCHE)
- March 15 Directive closing schools
- March 19 Directive providing additional guidance to schools
- March 26 Directive "Stay at Home"
- OPI COVID-19 website
- MT-PEC homepage with COVID-19 and school closure resources
- COVID-19 Stimulus Bill: What It Means for States (NCSL summary)
- Congressional Research Service analysis of education funding in CARES Act
- CARES Act estimates for Higher Education (OCHE March 27 draft)

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