Montana State Legislature
Meeting Information

Meeting Details:
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
September 14, 2020, 3-5:30 PM
September 15, 2020, 3-5:30 PM
Meeting Materials
Administrative Rule Review memo
Content Standards Revision materials
- OPI webpage with information on content standards revision process
- Career and Technical Education: Proposed Standards Economic Impact Statement
- Computer Science: Proposed Standards Economic Impact Statement
- Library Media: Proposed Standards Economic Impact Statement
- Social Studies: Proposed Standards Economic Impact Statement
- Technology Integration: Proposed Standards Economic Impact Statement
Montana Digital Academy (MTDA) update
Statutory reports to the committee
- Montana resident student financial aid program report - OCHE (20-26-105)
- Dyslexia report - OPI and BPE (20-7-469)
- American Indian achievement report - OPI (20-9-330)
- At-risk student report - OPI (20-9-328)
- Gifted and talented report - OPI (20-7-904)
- County interdisciplinary safety teams report - OPI (52-2-211)
- Transformational learning report - BPE (20-7-1602)
- Advanced Opportunities report - BPE (20-7-1506)
- Educational Opportunity for Military Children report - 20-1-231
- Retired Teacher Reemployment report - TRS (19-20-732)
Heritage properties report ( 2-pager; StoryMap) - SHPO (22-3-423)
Bill draft to allow early enrollment of military children
Bill draft Eliminating Reduced Price Co-pays for School Breakfast and Lunch
- How ERP increases federal school meal reimbursements (handout from Share Our Strength)
Comments for EIC
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