Montana State Legislature
OPI Agency Oversight
Content Standards Revision Timeline
Educator Mobility and Shortages infographic (REL Northwest)
Educator Mobility in Montana full report (REL Northwest)
Critical Quality Educator Shortage Report (approved by BPE Nov 2019)
HB 351 and HB 387 redesign considerations (April 2020)
HB 351 revision working draft(June 2020)
School funding clean up memo (April 2020)
School Funding Clean-up bill drafts (June 2020)
- PD 5 - clarify allowability of including 3- and 4-year-olds with disabilities in ANB calculation
- PD 6 - clarify amount of support for state-level strengthening CTSO program
- PD 7 - repeal 20-9-323 establishing ending fund balance limits
- PD 8 - repeal 20-9-541, 20-9-542, and 20-9-544 related to the state school flexibility account
- PD 11 - allow nonoperating districts to retain O&G revenue
- PD 12 - clarify funding for education of children in in-state children's psychiatric hospitals and residential treatment programs
- PD 13 - clarify allowability of using school safety and major maintenance funds for lead remediation
- PD 14 - clarify the definition of pupil
- PD 15 - clarify funding related to anticipated enrollment increases
- PD 16 - revise EDIC statute
Office of Public Instruction updates (June 2020)
- MT Learn 2020 and MT Flex 2020 Task Force update
- Memo on Equitable Services Provision
- Content Standards Revision Timeline and Overview
- OPI legislation requests
OPI memo on reopening schools (Sept 2020)
Content Standards Revision materials (received August 5, 2020, for Sept 2020 EDIC meeting)
- OPI webpage with information on content standards revision process
- Career and Technical Education: Proposed Standards Economic Impact Statement
- Computer Science: Proposed Standards Economic Impact Statement
- Library Media: Proposed Standards Economic Impact Statement
- Social Studies: Proposed Standards Economic Impact Statement
- Technology Integration: Proposed Standards Economic Impact Statement