Montana State Legislature
2019-2020 Local Government
Next Scheduled Meeting:
The LGIC completed its interim work on September 9, 2020.
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
The LGIC competed its interim work on September 9, 2020.
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About the Committee
The Local Government Interim Committee is a joint bipartisan committee whose duties include acting as a liaison between local governments, promoting and strengthening local government, providing a forum for discussing state oversight of local functions and intergovernmental cooperation, promoting effective local government regulations, and identifying desirable practices to promote effective and fair relationships between individual local governments and local governments and the state.
Committee Members
Committee Staff:
Toni Henneman, Lead Staff
Julie Johnson, Attorney
Bri Nordhagen, Secretary
Useful Links:
Interactive Infrastructure Funding Map
Interim Survey Results, Part 2
PowerTools for Legislators
2021 Session Planning Survey Results
COVID-19 Related Resources:
Overview of the CARES Act - Julie Johnson, Staff Attorney
CARES Act Guidance for Local Governments - US Treasury Department
484645July 23, 2019: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video/ Audio
September 12, 2019: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video/ Audio
November 12 & 13, 2019: Agenda - Minutes Log - Day 1: Video/ Audio - Day 2: Video/ Audio
January 15, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log - Day 1 Video/ Audio
May 14, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video/ Audio
July 14 & 15, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log- Day 1: Video/ Audio - Day 2: Video/ Audio - Minutes Log
July 28, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log
September 9, 2020: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video/ Audio
Adopted Work Plan
Work Plan Matrix
Work Plan Timeline - Revised Jan. 15, 2020
Study Topics:
SJ 3: Study of Optional Septic Drain Fields and Subdivision Review
General Materials:
Local Government Profiles 2017 - MSU Local Government Center
Administrative Materials:
Interim Committee Guidelines - Legislative Council, amended and adopted by LGIC July 23, 2019
At the September 9 meeting, the Local Government Interim Committee requested to send the following draft legislation to the 2021 Legislature:
Reauthorize funding for the Multifamily Coal Trust Home Loan Program - PD9
Regional fire protection authorities - PD3TH
Funding for the MSU Local Government Center - PD3JJ
Review of experimental on-site wastewater treatment systems - PD8