Montana State Legislature

Agency Oversight

The LJIC is responsible for monitoring the activities of the Office of the State Public Defender (OPD), the Department of Corrections (DOC), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and any entities attached to those agencies for administrative purposes. The administratively attached entities that the LJIC monitors are:

  • the Board of Pardons and Parole (attached to DOC);
  • the Gaming Advisory Council (attached to DOJ); and
  • the Public Safety Officer Standards and Training (POST) Council (attached to DOJ until July 1, 2019, when it is staffed by a bureau of the DOJ).

The committee also serves as the liaison to the Judicial Branch.

In addition to reviewing the agency's statutorily required reports, administrative rules, and proposed legislation, the LJIC also monitors the operations of the agency with specific attention to:

  • identification of issues likely to require future legislative attention;
  • opportunities to improve existing law through the analysis of problems; and
  • the experiences of Montana's citizens with the operation of the agency that may be amenable to improvement through legislative action.

Judicial Branch Liaison

Department of Corrections

Board of Pardons and Parole

Department of Justice

Office of State Public Defender


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