Montana State Legislature
Elections & Political Practices
Special COVID-19 Emergency Information on Elections
- Governor's directive on elections - March 25, 2020
- FAQ - election info. on pp. 3-4
- Memo - followup on election cost questions and federal funding
- Extract from CARES Act on elections
- EAC webpage on COVID-19 and uses of HAVA grants
HJ 3 Study - Accessibility for disabled electors
HJ 3 Study Final Report- November 2020
Sept. 3, 2019, materials
- HJ 3 - study of accessibility for disabled electors - text of resolution.
- ADA and other federal laws - handout by Beth Brenneman, Disability Rights Montana
- Background on Accessibility for Elderly and Disabled Electors - PPT
- SB 291 (2019) - allow nonstandard ballot forms for use in ballot interface devices
- Final Report - SAVA's work last interim on elections and disabled electors
- Voting System Updates
- School districts by county, OPI
- Voting systems by county 18
- Special districts by school district 19
Oct. 29, 2019, materials
- MCA - Training for Election Administrators
- Sec. of State's website for election official training
- Sec. of State's website for election judge training
- Election Administrator Handbook
- School Election Handbook
- OPI/MASBO Training Opportunities Handout
- School Elections - OPI Website
Jan. 16, 2020, materials
- Special district election survey results
- County-run school election survey results
- School-run school elections - survey results
- LCsa01 - discussion bill draft - PDF - WORD markup
- Summary of current polling place exemptions
- MASBO and MTSBA comments on LCsa01
June 17, 2020, materials
September 1, 2020, materials
- History & Issues Overview, Commissioner of Pol. Practices - PPT, 9/3/19
- Background brief: Narrowing the Scope, LSD staff, Sheri Scurr,1/16/2020
Feb. 27, 2020, materials
- Staff summary: Revising Lobbying Laws
- NCSL Review of State Lobbyist-Lobbying Definitions
- Preliminary Bill drafts
- Legal references for PD 02
- Lobbying fee references for PD 03
- Reporting references for PD 04
June 17, 2020, materials
- PD02 - preliminary bill draft generally revising lobbying laws, revising definitions and terminology
- PD03 - preliminary bill draft revising the disposition of the lobbying fee
HAVA Grants and Election Security
- $3.1 Million More for Elections, SOS Newsletter, Jan. 2020
- Legislative Performance Audit 19DP-06, 10/29/20
- Summary of Legislative Performance Audit, 10/29/20
June 17, 2020, materials, HAVA grants
- Election Assistance Commission (EAC) FAQ on 2020 HAVA grants
- SOS budget narrative submitted to EAC
- SOS budget worksheet
- SOS email to counties
- County-by-county allocations showing formula for distributions
Ballot Interference Prevention Act - BIPA
Feb. 27, 2020, materials
- Staff summary on BIPA and other states
- Statutory references and other states
- BIPA Implementation
Conservation Districts - Election of Board