Montana State Legislature
Meeting Information

Meeting Details:
Oct. 29, 2020
In-Person & Zoom Meeting
Room 317, Capitol
8:00 a.m.
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
Meeting Materials
October 29, 2020 - materials posted as available
Agenda - tab numbers correspond to legislator notebooks
Election Security
Pension Oversight Duties and Background
- Tab 3
- Tab 4 Legislator's Guide to Montana's Public Employee Retirement Systems - 2020
- Tab 5 Where We've Been - legislative history - NOT AVAILABLE
- Tab 6 Green Sheet Summary Tables - 2020
MPERA materials
- Tab 7 Summary slides
- Tab 8 PERS actuarial valuation
- Tab 9 PER Board benefit and funding policy
- Tab 10 Legislative proposals
TRS materials
- Tab 11 Summary slides
- Tab 12 TRS actuarial valuation
- Tab 13 TRS benefit and funding policy
- Tab 14 Required report on 19-20-732 retiree reemployment
- Tab 15 Legislative proposals
Pension Fund Investments
- Tab 16 Summary slides
- Tab 17 Board of Investments Annual Report
- No Tab MBOI Retirement Plan Investment Policy - PROPOSED DRAFT
- Tab 18 CEM Benchmarking Analysis - Aug. 18, 2020
- Tab 19 RVK Extract of Quarterly Performance Report - Aug. 18, 2020
Stress test studies and LFC subcommittee activities
- Tab 21 Summary slides
- Tab 22 PERS stress test study by CM
- Tab 23 TRS stress test study by CM
- Tab 24 PEW analysis of stress test studies
- Tab 25
- Tab 26 SAVA's Decision points
Administrative Rule Review
- 10/9/2020 Memo concerning MAR 2-13-605 (DOA: Next Generation 9-1-1 Technology Standards and Baseline Principles)
Comments for SAVA

SEPT. 1, 2020 - materials posted as available
Item 2 - Department of Military Affairs
- Summary Table of Bill Draft Proposals
- DMA 1 - federal regulations
- DMA 2 - command structure
- DMA 3 - In-kind services
- DMA 4 - disaster resiliency account
- DMA 5 - change vehicle license revenue allocation to MVAD
Item 3 - HJ 23 - Study of Veteran Benefit Claim Services
- LFD memo, Kris Wilkinson, re: Montana Veterans' Affairs Division (MVAD) funding and special revenue
- MVAD FY 2020 funding charts, regional statistics, and org chart
- MVAD biennial report
- PD05 - funding for MVAD support staff
- HJ 23 final report (review draft)
Item 4 - Dept. of Administration
- Summary Table of Bill Draft Proposals
- Required Reports Memo
- Employee Incentive Report
- Capitol Complex Advisory Committee Report
- IT Biennial Report
- IT Strategic Plan
- Capitol Tribal Flag Plaza memo
Item 6 - State Flag Protocols
Item 7 - Signature gathering requirements (previously Item 10)
Item 8 - HJ 3 - Study of Accessibility for Disabled Electors
Item 9 - Conservation District Elections
Item 10 - Sec. of State - (previously Item 7)
- No bill proposals
- Info item only: Legislative Audit Report, Security and Maintenance of Montana's Election Systems, Aug. 2020
Item 11 - HJ 10 - Study of Barriers to American Indian Voting
Item 12 - Commissioner of Political Practices
- Summary Table of Bill Draft Proposals
- Sheehy v. Commissioner of Pol. Practices, 2020
- Tchida v. Motl, 2019
Item 13 - Lobbying Law Revisions
Item 14 - Rule Review
- PD06 - potential committee bill defining special notice for emergency rules
JUNE 17-18, 2020
Agenda - posted 6/16/20
Day 1 Agenda Items
Item 2 - Disaster and Emergency Services - Agency Oversight - COVID-19
Item 3 - Lobbying Law Revisions
- PD02 - preliminary bill draft generally revising lobbying laws, revising definitions and terminology
- PD03 - preliminary bill draft revising the disposition of the lobbying fee
Item 4 - HJ 3 - Accessibility for Disabled Electors
Item 6 - Elections
- 2020 HAVA Election Security Grant - Follow-up from Feb. 27 meeting questions
- COVID-19 Emergency Information on Elections
- BIPA follow-up - legal update
- Conservation district elections - section 76-15-312, MCA
Item 7 - Rule Review
- Emergency Rule: 4/14/2020 Memo re MAR 44-2-239 (SOS) Extending the deadline to submit annual reports to the Secretary of State's Office for corporations and limited liability companies doing business in the State of Montana
- Emergency Rule: 4/9/2020 Memo re MAR 44-2-238 (SOS) Electronic Notary Stamps
- 3/16/2020 Memo re MAR 2-43-594 (MPERA) Investment Policy Statements for the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan and the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan. No Public Hearing Contemplated.
Item 8 - Pensions
Day 2 Agenda Items
Item 10 - HB 172 - Grant to County Veteran Service Offices - Implementation
Item 11 - HJ 23 - Study of Montana Veterans' Affairs - Veteran Service Officer Structure and Funding
- HJ 23 Report - Veteran Service Officer Programs: Structure and Funding in Other States
- Summary Table on Selected States
- PD05 - preliminary bill draft to fund administrative support staff for MVAD service officers
Item 12 - Montana Military Interstate Children's Commission
- Staff summary: Revising Lobbying Laws
- NCSL Review of State Lobbyist-Lobbying Definitions
- Preliminary Bill drafts
- Legal references for PD 02
- Lobbying fee references for PD 03
- Reporting references for PD 04
Ballot Interference Prevention Act (BIPA)
- Staff summary on BIPA and other states
- Statutory references and other states
- BIPA Implementation
- Legal references
New Election Security Grant