Montana State Legislature
Veterans' Affairs
HJ 23 - Study of Veteran Service Officer Programs
- HJ 23 Final Report - November 2020
Study materials listed in chronological order
June 27, 2019, materials
- HJ 23 (2019) - study on the structure and funding of the Montana Veterans' Affairs Division
- Agency Overview of MVAD
- HB 172 (2019) - Revises the state statute on county veterans’ service officers to allow multicounty offices, establishes a grant program to be administered by the Montana Veterans’ Affairs Division (MVAD) for single county and multicounty offices, and appropriates $30,000 from the state general fund for each fiscal year of the next biennium. The bill sunsets on June 30, 2023.
Sept. 3, 2019, materials
Oct. 29, 2019, materials
- Other states-governance for Veterans' Service Officers
- HB 172 - grant program to counties
- Kelly Ackerman, MT Veterans' Affairs Division handouts
- Ravalli County Info Packet from Mike Warner - Valley Veterans Service Center
- Roger Hagan Testimony, American Legion
- National Association of County Veterans' Service Officers - Michael Roof
Jan. 16, 2020, materials
- Staff report on VSO services in selected states, DRAFT, Sheri Scurr
- Info. packet on Ravalli County and Veteran Service Center (VVSC)
- Handout from Mike Warner and Ravalli County on recent revisions
- Status of HB172 grant, Kelly Ackerman, MVAD
June 17-18, 2020, materials
- HJ 23 Report - Veteran Service Officer Programs: Structure and Funding in Other States
- Summary Table on Selected States
- PD05 - preliminary bill draft to fund administrative support staff for MVAD service officers
September 1, 2020, materials
- LFD memo, Kris Wilkinson, re: Montana Veterans' Affairs Division (MVAD) funding and special revenue
- MVAD FY 2020 funding charts, regional statistics, and org chart
- MVAD biennial report
- PD05 - funding for MVAD support staff
- HJ 23 final report (review draft)
Other Info.
- Legal memo on constitutional and statutory provisions - COVID-19 and Disaster & Emergency Services, 6/18/20
- OPI website for MMIC Commission - briefed to SAVA, 6/18/2020