Montana State Legislature
2019-2020 Transportation
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
The Transportation Interim Committee wrapped up its work on Sept. 11, 2020
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About the Committee
The 2019 Legislature passed and approved Senate Bill No. 226 establishing a Transportation Interim Committee. Historically, transportation matters were combined with revenue and tax policy and under the authority of the Revenue and Transportation Interim Committee. The TIC will maintain oversight of programs and rulemaking activities of the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and the Motor Vehicles Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ MVD).
Committee Members
July 9, 2019: Agenda - Minute Log - Video/ Audio
September 16, 2019: Agenda - Minute Log- Video/ Audio
January 13, 2020: Agenda - Minute Log - Video/ Audio
June 22, 2020: Agenda -Minute Log- Video/ Audio
September 11, 2020: Agenda- Minute Log- Video/ Audio
The Legislative Council assigned three studies to the Transportation Interim Committee. In late 2019 the Transportation Interim Committee completed its work on HJR 34 and forwarded its recommendation not to pursue additional study on the subject. The Legislative Council accepted the recommendation.
The Transportation Committee also has statutorily required duties related to the Montana Department of Transportation and the Department of Justice's Motor Vehicle Division.
The Transportation Interim Committee will bring one bill before the 2021 Legislature:
- REAL ID Update -- PD0001
Biodiesel Refunds
15-70-433(7), MCA
Requires the MDT to report biennially on the number and type of taxpayers claiming the refund (1 cent a gallon for retailers or 2 cents a gallon for distributors) of biodiesel sold, the total amount of the refund claimed, and the department's cost associated with administering the refund.
- Biodiesel Report Received 1/13/2020
- Letter from RIC on Reporting (Related to biodiesel tax credit in 15-32-703, MCA) 7/27/2020
Motor Fuel Tax Cooperative Agreements
15-70-450, MCA
Requires MDT to report the status of motor fuel tax cooperative agreement negotiations with the state’s Indian tribes. The reports will be provided as needed after negotiations are complete and before the final agreement is submitted to the Attorney General for approval.
Alternative Project Delivery Contracting
60-2-119, MCA
- Alternative Project Report Received3/23/2020
- Alternative Project Report Received 6/19/2020
- Alternative Project Report Received 7/22/2020
Requires MDT to provide a benefit analysis of alternative project delivery contracting in comparison to other contracting processes authorized in 60-2-111.
MDT Special Fuels Inspections
61-10-154(8), MCA
Requires MDT to report biennially on enforcement of MDT’s authority to stop and inspect, if probable cause exists, diesel-powered vehicles to determine compliance with provisions of the special fuels use tax law and impacts of enforcement on the state special revenue fund.
- Enforcement Information 01/2020