Montana State Legislature
Meeting information

Meeting Details:
The working group meets via Zoom video at 9 a.m. Sept. 30.
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
Oct. 13
Meeting Materials
Oct. 13
Bills for possible preintroduction:
- PD0006:
Revise weather modification and control statutes
- Montana Environmental Policy Act resources
- Public comment on PD0006: Hagenbarth
- PD0009:
Amending water right ownership process
- Draft fiscal assumptions for modified PD0009 (DNRC, Sept. 2020)
- Memo on options for draft legislation (LEPO, Oct. 2020)
SB47 (2019): Clarifying use of river basin councils
Draft language for Berkeley Pit exemption (DNRC)
Administrative rulemaking memo re: Lake Koocanusa/Kootenai River water quality standards (LSO, Oct. 2020)
- DEQ selenium site-specific criterion update (Sept. 2020)
- DEQ presentation on selenium standards for Lake Koocanusa, Kootenai River (Oct. 2020)
- Public comments on proposed selenium rule: Bass, Blackburn, CSKT-KTOI, Idaho Conservation League, Kelsey, Linehan, National Parks Conservation Ass'n, Rooney, Sander-Green, Montana Trout Unlimited
Legislative Audit Division priority audit list (FY2021)
Final reports issued by WPIC (as of Sept. 15, 2020):
HJ14: Prospects for a future Water Court
HJ40: Seeding clouds
Comments for WPIC
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