Montana State Legislature
HJR 50: Senior and Long-Term Care
House Joint Resolution 50 requested a study of the Senior and Long-Term Care Division of the Department of Public Health and Human Services. The committee agreed at its June 2019 meeting to devote slightly more than 25% of the committee's time to the study.
The committee kicked off the study in September 2019 by hearing a Department of Public Health and Human Services presentation on the three Medicaid-funded home and community-based services programs that the agency administers: the Personal Assistance (PAS) program, the Community First Choice (CFC) program, and the Big Sky Waiver.
In November, members heard about issues of importance to nursing home and assisted living providers. The committee shifted its focus to home health services in January, hearing from service providers and from program participants about the barriers and challenges to providing and accessing services, including problems stemming from workforce shortages.
The committee was slated to hear about other aging services programs in Montana in March, but canceled its meeting because of the COVID-19 public health emergency. Members instead took up that topic in May, hearing from representatives of AARP, Area Agencies on Aging, and the Alzheimer's Association, as well as the Adult Protective Services Bureau of DPHHS.
During a subsequent brainstorming session on the HJR 50 study, members agreed that the COVID-19 situation is likely to result in reduced revenues for the next two-year budget period and make it less likely that the 2021 Legislature will approve significant changes to senior and long-term care services. They decided to review bill drafts in June that would institute limited changes at a potentially minimal cost. At their final meeting in August, they agreed to introduce all four bills as committee bills in the 2021 session.
The activities undertaken for the study and the final actions of the committee are discussed in more detail in the HJR 50: Senior and Long-Term Care Services Final Report.
Approved Bill Drafts
- HJR 50-1: Clarifying Medically Needy Program Requirements
- HJR 50-2: Requiring 30-Day Notification Before Termination of Waiver Services
- HJR 50-3: Requiring Rulemaking for Substantive Changes to Waiver Programs
- HJR 50-4: Establishing Legislative Intent for Waiver Services
- Briefing Paper: Bill Draft Considerations, June 2020
Study Materials
- Study Tasks and Timeline
- Staff Reports:
- Draft Final Report, June 2020
- Summary of Stakeholder Suggestions, March 2020
- 2019 Biennium Budget Cuts and Restorations, March 2020
- Policy Changes and Their Origins, March 2020
- CFC and Assisted Living, January 2020
- Spending Down for Medicaid Coverage, January 2020
Summary of Citations, January 2020
- DPHHS Material: Policy Revisions/Citations, November 2019
- Medicaid Eligibility and Levels of Care, November 2019
- Availability and Use of Nursing Home Beds, November 2019
- Medicaid-Funded HCBS Programs, September 2019
- Speaker Materials
- Alzheimer's Fact Sheet, Montana Alzheimer's Association, May 2020
- Area Agencies on Aging Fact Sheet, May 2020
- SLTC Division Financial History, FY 2016-FY 2021, Legislative Fiscal Division, March 2020
- DPHHS PowerPoint, September 2019