Montana State Legislature
2021-2022 Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee
Next Scheduled Meeting:
The committee has finished its work for the interim. Please see individual study and topic pages for detailed information on the committee's activities or read the final reports on its mental health and child protective services studies for a summary of the committee's work and final decisions.
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Committee Staff:
Sue O'Connell, Researcher
Alexis Sandru, Attorney
Fong Hom, Secretary
The Children and Families Interim Committee is a joint bipartisan committee of the Legislature that meets between legislative sessions to monitor the Department of Public Health and Human Services; conduct interim studies; and generally review issues related to health and human services.
Two final reports -- on the committee's mental health studies and child protective services studies -- summarize the committee's study-related efforts this interim. Information on its DPHHS monitoring activities is available on the Agency Oversight page.
Committee Members
The audio minutes are the official minutes of the committee. Both the video and audio recordings of each meeting are available shortly after the meeting ends. A minutes log will be published later, noting the time at which various items were discussed.
Full Committee
August 26, 2022:
Agenda -
Minutes Log - Audio / Video
June 27, 2022:
Minutes Log - Audio / Video
May 12-13, 2022:
Minutes Log:
May 12 -
May 13
Video: May 12 - May 13
Audio: May 12 - May 13
March 15, 2022:
Agenda -
Minutes Log -
Audio / Video
March 4, 2022: Agenda -
Minutes Log - Audio / Video
January 20-21, 2022:
Minutes Log: January 20, 2022 --
Minutes Log: January 21, 2022
Audio: January 20 - January 21
Video: January 20 - January 21
November 15-16, 2021:
Minutes Log:
November 15 -
November 16
Audio/Video: November 15 Audio / Video - November 16 Audio / Video
September 22, 2021:
Agenda -
Minutes Log - Audio / Video
August 10, 2021:
Agenda -
Minutes Log - Audio / Video
July 6, 2021:
Agenda -
Minutes Log - Audio/ Video
June 16, 2021:
Agenda -
Minutes Log - Audio / Video
HB 39 Working Group
March 2, 2022:
Agenda -
Minutes Log - Audio / Video
January 27, 2022:
Agenda -
Minutes Log - Audio / Video
November 19, 2021:
Agenda -
Minutes Log - Audio / Video
October 12, 2021:
Agenda -
Minutes Log- Audio / Video
Assigned Studies
- SJR 14: Adult Mental Health System
- HJR 35: Children's Mental Health System
- HJR 39: Involuntary Commitment of Individuals with Dementia
- HJR 44: Foster Care System
- HJR 45: Child Removal and Reunification Triggers
Statutorily Required Study
- HB 39: Prehearing Conferences in CPS Cases
Agency Oversight: Department of Public Health and Human Services
Resources and Publications
The committee approved eight bills for introduction in the 2023 Legislature. The bills can followed throughout the session in the legislative bill-tracking system, using either the LC numbers assigned to them before introduction or the bill numbers assigned at a later date.
SJR 14 Adult Mental Health System
- LC 271: Provide for implementation of certified community behavioral health clinic model
- LC 160: Revise licensing reciprocity for behavioral health care licensees
HJR 35: Children's Mental Health System
- LC 156: Enhance Medicaid rates for certain children's mental health providers
- LC 157: Strengthen qualified provider pool statute for children's mental health
HJR 39: Involuntary Commitment of People with Dementia
- LC 158: Revise involuntary commitment laws for people with dementia or TBI
- LC 159: Require sharing of reports of abuse and neglect at Montana State Hospital
HJR 45: Child Removal and Family Reunification Triggers
- LC 273: Generally revise child abuse and neglect laws
HB 39: Judicial CPS Pilot Projects
- LC 161: Revise laws relating to child abuse and neglect proceedings
The committee adopted rules and procedures for the interim at its organizational meeting in June 2021 and adopted a work plan for the interim at its August 2021 meeting. Members decided at their September 2021 meeting to focus on their three mental health studies during the first half of the interim and on their three child protective services during the second half of the interim, resulting in an update to the work plan.
- Interim Work Plan
- Revised Interim Work Plan (updated September 2021 with changes to Appendices B and C)
Interim Work Plan (adopted August 10, 2021)
- CFHHS Letter to EAIC Regarding Medical Marijuana Monitoring
- EAIC Acceptance of Medical Marijuana Monitoring Duties
Rules, Guidelines, and Procedures for Interim Committees
(Adopted June 21, 2021; Appendix A contains proxy voting requirements) - Legislator Reimbursement Form