Montana State Legislature
Agency Oversight: DPHHS
Agency Oversight: DPHHS
Materials related to the committee's agency oversight duties or presented to the committee by the Department of Public Health and Human Services as part of the oversight responsibilities are listed below by topic area or meeting date. Topics cover:
- agency legislation;
- the provider rate study conducted for the department during the interim; and
- the agency's applications for various Medicaid waivers.
Agency Legislation
State law and legislative rules require interim committees to review the legislation that state agencies plan to introduce during the next legislative session and allows the committees to authorize the early drafting and pre-introduction of those bills. The committee typically takes up that review at its final meeting of the interim.
- Staff Briefing Paper: Purpose of Committee Review
- DPHHS Legislative Proposals
- Revise Montana Child Care Act
- Provide DPHHS Oversight of Community Benefit and Charity Care Standards
- Remove Drug Paraphernalia Designation for Fentanyl Test Strips
- Establish Adult Guardianship Program
- Update Accrediting Agencies for Health Care Facilities
- Transfer Administration of Family Violence Prevention Services Act Grant Program
- Revise Adult Protective Services Laws
- Repeal Citizen Review Board Program Act
- Revise FICMMR Laws
- Eliminate Board of Public Assistance
- Repeal County Administration of Youth Residential Services
- Fiscal Accountability for HCBS
- Option 1: Revise Fiscal Accountability Statute
- Option 2: Repeal Fiscal Accountability Statute
- Eliminate Committee on Telecommunications Access Services
- Revise the Montana Older Americans Act
- Update CHIP Eligibility Standards
- Repeal Certain Statutorily Required Reports
Provider Rate Study and Cost Reporting Plan
The 2021 Legislature appropriated funds for DPHHS to conduct a study of Medicaid reimbursement rates. The agency hired Guidehouse Inc., LLC, to conduct the study. Preliminary information from the study was reported at the committee's June 2022, and the final report was presented in August 2022. The initial report prompted the committee to write to the governor, asking that the administration take immediate action to increase provider rates.
The final report includes recommendations related to House Bill 155, also from 2021. That legislation required DPHHS to analyze Medicaid expenditure data in order to allow the Legislature to make better decisions about the costs of providing Medicaid-covered services.
- Final Provider Rate Study and HB 155 Report, August 2022
- Full Provider Rate Study Report (including HB 155 Materials)
- HB 155 Report: Cost Reporting Plan
- Preliminary Rate Study Findings, June 2022
- Guidehouse PowerPoint, June 2022
Committee Letter to Governor Gianforte, July 2022
- DPHHS Response, August 2022
Section 1115 Waiver Proposals
DPHHS is required, under 53-2-215, MCA, to present proposals for Section 1115 Medicaid waivers to the committee "for review and comment at a public hearing" before the proposal is submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for approval. The department presented three proposals to the committee for review in August 2021:
- a proposed new waiver for the Healing and Ending Addiction Through Recovery and Treatment (HEART) initiative for behavioral health;
- an amendment to the Health and Economic Livelihood Partnership (HELP) Act waiver that would end 12-month continuous eligibility for the Medicaid expansion population; and
- an amendment to the Waiver for Additional Services and Populations (WASP) to end 12-month continuous eligibility and cost-sharing requirements for low-income parents and adults with Severe and Disabling Mental Illness.
Committee members decided at the August meeting that individual members or groups of members could submit comments to DPHHS and CMS but that the committee would not, as a whole, submit comment on the waiver applications.
The following materials pertain to the HEART, HELP, and WASP waiver applications.
- Staff Briefing Paper: Medicaid Section 1115 Waivers, August 10, 2021
- HEART Waiver
- DPHHS Handout: HEART Initiative, June 16, 2021
- DPHHS PowerPoint: HEART Section 1115 Demonstration Legislative Hearing, August 10, 2021
HEART Initiative Application, submitted to CMS on October 1, 2021
(includes all public comment received)- DPHHS responses to public comment begin on P. 76
- CMS Action: Partial Approval, July 1, 2022
- HELP Act Waiver/ (Medicaid Expansion)
- Staff Briefing Paper: Medicaid Expansion Waiver--CMS Action, January 2022
- CMS Approval Letter, December 21, 2021
- DPHHS PowerPoint: HELP and WASP Section 1115 Demonstration Presentation to CFHHS, August 10, 2021
HELP Extension Amendment Application, submitted to CMS on September 3, 2021
(includes all public comment received)- DPHHS responses to public comment begin on P. 15
- Comments submitted by various members of the committee are included starting on P. 73
- Staff Briefing Paper: Medicaid Expansion Waiver--CMS Action, January 2022
- WASP Waiver
- DPHHS PowerPoint: HELP and WASP Section 1115 Demonstration Presentation to CFHHS, August 10, 2021
WASP Waiver Amendment Application, submitted to CMS on September 3, 2021
(includes all public comment received)- DPSS Responses to public comment begin on P. 15
- Comments submitted by various members of the committee are included starting on P. 55
- CMS Approval Letter, March 2022