Montana State Legislature
SJR 14: Mental Health Study
SJR 14: Adult Mental Health System
Study Materials (By Meeting)
Senate Joint Resolution 14 requested a study of the publicly funded mental health system for adults. The committee began its study in September 2021 by learning about how adults become eligible for services in the publicly funded system, the types of services that are available to them, and how changes in the state budget in recent years have affected those services.
In November 2021, the committee heard about the different types of practitioners who provide mental health services. Members also learned about the types of entities that provide services and the types of patients they serve. In addition, they heard about mental health crisis services and heard from providers and consumers alike about the gaps, needs, and opportunities for the mental health system, including the opportunity for a potentially new provider model known as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic, or CCBHC.
In January 2022, the committee heard in more detail about the CCBHC model and about short-term and long-term crisis stabilization services and availability. Members also learned about the education and training opportunities and incentives for mental health providers as well as about workforce issues.
In March 2022, members asked for a bill draft that would put in a place a professional licensing reciprocity law for behavioral health care providers, similar to a law approved in Arizona. The committee reviewed the draft and took public comment on the bill draft in May, before deciding to advance it for continued consideration during the interim. Members also requested a bill draft to implement the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) model in Montana.
At the June 2022 meeting, members approved the license reciprocity bill as a committee bill for introduction in the 2023 legislative session. In August 2022, they received additional information about making Medicaid coverage for CCBHC services mandatory or optional and approved SJR 14-2b as a committee bill for introduction in the 2023 legislative session.
A final report for the 2021-2022 interim summarizes the committee's work on this study, as well as studies of the children's mental health system and the involuntary commitment of people with dementia.
Meeting Materials: August 26, 2022
- Staff Materials
- Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
- Staff Memo: Medicaid Mandatory and Optional Services
- Bill Draft Options:
- Draft Final Report
- Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
Meeting Materials: June 27, 2022
- Bill Draft Materials
- SJR 14-1: Licensing Reciprocity for Behavioral Health Licensees
- SJR 14-2: CCBHC Implementation
- Briefing Paper: Bill Draft Revisions/Decision Points
- Draft Final Report
Meeting Materials: May 13, 2022
- Bill Draft:
- Staff Materials:
- Briefing Paper: Bill Draft Considerations
- Memo: Background Information for Work Session Topics
- Speaker Materials
- DPHHS PowerPoint: Update on Mental Health Crisis Services
Meeting Materials: January 20-21, 2022
- Staff Materials:
- Briefing Paper: Medicaid Payment Methodologies
- Memo: Study-Related Questions from November Meeting
- Handout: HB 632 Allocations (Legislative Fiscal Division)
- Speaker Materials:
- National Council for Mental Wellbeing: PowerPoint: The CCBHC Model and Possibilities in Montana
- Billings Community Crisis Center: PowerPoint
- Office of Rural Health/Area Health Education Center Materials:
- Montana University System Materials:
- Summary of Medical Residency Programs
- Behavioral Health Program Offerings by Campus
- Montana Rural Physician Incentive Program (MRPIP)
- BHAM Handout: Montana Behavioral Health Workforce Crisis
- Department of Labor PowerPoint: Behavioral Health Provider Licensing Statistics and Models
- Background Materials:
- Montana State Hospital: Statement of Deficiencies and Plan of Correction
Meeting Materials: November 15-16, 2021
- Staff Briefing Papers
- Speaker Materials:
- BHAM Handout: Mental Health Centers
- Providence St. Patrick Hospital Handout: Inpatient Psychiatric Services
- Center for Mental Health: CCBHC Overview
- DPHHS Materials
- Montana Healthcare Foundation: Building Successful Behavioral Health Crisis Systems
- Service Area Authority Materials
Meeting Materials: September 22, 2021
- Staff Briefing Papers
- Speaker Materials
- SJR 14 Study: Addictive and Mental Disorders Division PowerPoint
- Medicaid Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Expenditures
Meeting Materials; June 16, 2021