Montana State Legislature
Meeting Information

Meeting Details:
No further meetings are planned this interim.
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
The committee held an ad hoc Zoom meeting on October 3, 2022 regarding facial recognition technology in schools.
The committee met for its final regular meeting on September 13, 2022.
Meeting Materials
The committee has finished its regular work for the interim. For more information, please see:
- the individual study and topic pages to access all the materials the committee reviewed this interim;
- the minutes logs; and
- final reports on the committee's studies for a summary of the study activities and the committee's final decisions:
- Behind the Mask: HJ 48 Study of Facial Recognition Technology
- Balancing on the Edge of a Cliff: HJ 49 Study of Benefits Cliffs
- Overseeing a Budding Industry: SJ 31 Study on Marijuana Program Implementation
Previous meeting materials can be found in the minutes logs or under the topic tabs.
October 3, 2022 - Zoom only meeting
Topic: Facial recognition technology in schools
- Montana Pupil Online Personal Information Protection Act (HB 745; 2019)
- Statement by Cascade County Sheriff
- MTSBA Model Policies
- 1006FE - Transfers for School Safety
September 13, 2022 meeting materials
Administrative Rule Review
- Cannabis Control Division
- Alcoholic Beverage Control Division
Committee Work Session
- Independent Contractor Committee Bill
- HJ48: Study on Facial Recognition Technology
- HJ49: Study on Benefits Cliffs
- SJ31: Study on Marijuana Program Implementation
Agency Legislation Proposals
- Alcoholic Beverage Control Division - Red Tape Initiative
- Alcoholic Beverage Control Division
- Alcoholic Beverage Control Division - Supplemental Requests
- Cannabis Control Division - Red Tape Initiative
- Cannabis Control Division
- Department of Labor and Industry
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Livestock
Miscellaneous - Agency Reports
Cannabis Control Division
Department of Labor & Industry
- Board of Pharmacy Prescription Drug Registry Report
- Unemployment Insurance Program Integrity Report
- Occupational Licensing Combined Board Meetings Report
- UI Benefits for Victims of Domestic Violence Report
Department of Commerce