Montana State Legislature
2021-2022 Education Interim Committee
Next Scheduled Meeting:
The committee has finished its work for the interim. Information on the committee's work can be found using the tabs to the left.
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Committee Staff:
Pad McCracken, Researcher
Laura Sankey Keip, Attorney
Bethany McDowell James, Secretary
The Education Interim Committee (EDIC) is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The EDIC’s statutory duties include review of proposed administrative rules and draft legislation, as well as completing any studies assigned to it. The committee also monitors the operations of the Board of Public Education, the Office of Public Instruction, the Board of Regents of Higher Education, the Montana Historical Society, the Montana Arts Council, and the Montana State Library.
Committee Members
September 13, 2022: Agenda- Minutes Log - Audio/ Video
September 12, 2022: Agenda - Minutes Log - Audio/ Video
June 14, 2022: Agenda- Minutes Log - Audio/ Video
June 6, 2022: Agenda- Minutes Log - Audio/ Video
May 19, 2022: Agenda- Minutes Log- Video
May 18, 2022: Agenda- Minutes Log - Video
March 15, 2022: Agenda- Minutes Log - Audio/ Video
March 14, 2022: Agenda - Minutes Log - Audio / Video
January 25, 2022: Agenda- Minutes Log - Audio/ Video
January 24, 2022: Agenda- Minutes Log - Audio/ Video
November 18, 2021: Agenda - Minutes Log - Video
September 13-14, 2021: Agenda - Minutes Log 1 - Day 1: Audio / Video Minutes Log 2 - Day 2: Joint meeting agenda - Audio / Video
July 14, 2021: Agenda- Minutes Log - Audio / Video
Assigned Study
HJ 47 - Study Educational Programs for the Incarcerated
Committee Topics
In addition to its statutory duties, the committee will devote time over the course of the interim to:
Teacher Recruitment and Retention (including school employee health benefits)
- OPI presentation (July 2021)
- K-12 Health Benefits (staff brief; September 2021)
- LC 2080 (2019) - school district health insurance (January 2022)
- Quality Educator Loan Assistance Program (QELAP)
- Critical Quality Educator Shortage Report (January 2022)
- QELAP program report FYs 20 and 21 (OPI; January 2022)
- QE shortage areas data (OPI; January 2022
- Learning Policy Institute slides (March 2022)
- Health Care & Benefits Division slides ( Benefits at a glance handout) (March 2022)
- Quality Educator Loan Assistance Program, expanding eligibility (staff memo, March 2022)
- HB 143 data (OPI, March 2022)
- Teacher Residency Demonstration flyer (OPI, March 2022
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways (Sept 2021)
School Innovation and School Choice
- NCSL "No Time to Lose" report (November 2021)
- Redesigning Montana's Education System for a Changing Global Economy - NCEE (MARA Nov 2021)
- Education & Workforce: Capacity Building - SREB (MARA Nov 2021)
- Montana Public Schools Innovations and Alternative Choices - Montana School Boards Association (MARA Nov 2021)
- NCSL school choice slides (January 2022)
- HB 279 implementation update (DOR memo) January 21 update (January 2022)
- National Center on Education and the Economy slides (March 2022)
- June 6, 2022, K-12 Visioning joint meeting materials
- Agenda – Revised June 1, 2022
- Participant list with small group assignments
- NCEE slides - "Is there a case for change?"
- Blueprint for a High-Performing Education System, National Center For Education and the Economy
- International Education Study Group, National Conference of State Legislatures
- "Being a teacher needs to be the best job in the district" Jason Dougal commentary, April 2022
- "The Great American Growth Machine and How to Fix It" Marc Tucker commentary, October 2018
- Existing Flexibilities handout Montana School Boards Association
- OPI handouts - Teacher Residency graphic - One-pager
- Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future report, OECD
- September 13, 2022, follow-up meeting with constitutional authorities
Transformational Learning and Advanced Opportunities
- Transformational Learning Program (September 2021 joint meeting)
- Advanced Opportunity Programs (September 2021 joint meeting)
- Staff memo on Transformational Learning Program (September 2021 joint meeting)
- Transformational Learning and Advanced Opportunities (OPI slides; September 2021 joint meeting)
- Staff memo (January 2022)
- District ranking list (OPI; January 2022)
- Idaho Mastery-Based Education slides (January 2022)
Kindergarten readiness – various topics (March 2022)
- Waterford Upstart program – overview and outcomes
- 5-year trend numbers on 3-4 year olds enrolled/ANB and districts offering early kindergarten under exceptional circumstances ( U5 trend by district; U5 trend - special education; background memo June 2020)
- State special education preschool funding (staff memo)
School districts operating schools outside district boundaries (staff memo; March 2022)
Lead testing and remediation in school water systems (June 2022)
Agency Oversight
Overview of Administrative Rule Review Process
Rule Review Memos
- Summary of 2021 legislation (OPI)
- Board of Public Education handout
- OPI updates (Sept 2021)
- OPI updates (January 2022)
OPI Data Modernization updates (March 2022)
Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT)
- OPI guidance on CSCT (Comprehensive School and Community Treatment)
- CSCT Accounting Guidance (Sept 2021)
- CSCT OPI DPHHS Blended Guidance (Sept 2021)
- CSCT Interim Committee Report (Sept 2021)
- CSCT update (DPHHS; Sept 2021)
- CSCT update (DPHHS) (Nov 2021)
- Update handout (OPI; January 2022)
- Memorandum of Understanding (January 2022)
- Additional materials (OPI; January 2022)
- CSCT update (OPI, March 2022))
School food programs
- Farm to School infographic (OPI)
- Montana Marinara flyer (OPI)
- Supply Chain Assistance graphic (OPI)
- Community Eligibility Provision handout (OPI)
- Waivers (OPI)
- Ideas for Montana (Emily Pia slides, No Kid Hungry)
- Summary of 2021 legislation (OCHE; July 2021)
- MUS 2-Year Commission final report (Nov 2021)
- Background on MUS Restructuring and 2-Year Colleges
- HB 403 (2021; Running Wolf) Grow Your Own Teacher Grant Program (Nov 2021)
- Resident Student Financial Aid Report (OCHE dashboard; Nov 2021)
- Montana 10 - slides -