Montana State Legislature
Veterans' Affairs Division
Montana Veterans' Affairs Division
Agency Leadership
Kelly Ackerman, Administrator
Agency Website
Agency Overview
The mission of the Veterans' Affairs Division (MVAD) is to promote the general welfare of Montana Veterans and their families through establishing a statewide network of service for military veterans and their families; providing services and assistance for all Montana veterans and surviving spouses and dependents, in coordination with associated federal and state agencies, veteran’s service organization, private organizations and individuals; managing, operating, and maintaining the Montana’s state veteran’s cemetery program; assisting and advising the public, governmental agencies, and elected officials regarding veteran’s services, programs, initiatives, and policy. MVAD oversees the nine Veteran Services Offices across the state as well as the three Montana State Veterans Cemeteries.
Montana Board of Veterans' Affairs
The Montana Board of Veterans Affairs is comprised of 11 voting members and 9 nonvoting members. Following MCA 2-15-1205, the board’s main responsibilities are cooperating with all levels of government and agencies whose goal is to support veterans, and advocating for veterans and their families.
The 11 voting members are comprised of 10 appointed by the governor of Montana, and the final voting member is appointed by Montana’s eight Tribal Councils. Five of the voting members represent geographic regions of the state; one is an "at-large" veterans’ representative; one member is a Native American veterans’ representative; one is the Montana’s Tribal Councils’ consensus appointee; finally, three members have training, experience or education related to veteran issues.
The 9 non-voting members include representatives from the Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs; the Department of Military Affairs; the Department of Public Health and Human Services; the Department of Veterans Affairs; the U.S. Department of Labor; Montana State Administration; and the Veterans Affairs Interim Committee.
Required Reports to SAVA
- Montana Board of Veterans' Affairs Report - 10-2-102, MCA
- Decennial Veterans’ Long Term Care Needs Study (produced in collaboration with DPHHS) – HB 264 (2023) (NEW)
Agency Budget Information
Reports to the Legislature Related to SAVA
July 2023: