Montana State Legislature
MUS 2-Year Commission
The commission has completed its work.
Commission Final Report (short version)
Commission Final Report (2-15-155 compliant version)
Click meeting date below to access materials.
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- Final Agenda
- Minutes log
- Video/ Audio
- HB 754
- Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines for Interim Committees
- Proposed Work Plan Outline
- Postsecondary governance graphic
- A Historical Perspective on 2-Year Postsecondary Education in Montana: "Where Do We Go from Here?" (Eddye McClure, 2007)
- Development of 2-Year Education in Montana (timeline)
- MUS Strategic Plan 2019
2-Year Campus Industry Partnership one-pagers:
- Bitterroot College CNA program and Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital
- Gallatin College and Photonics Industry
- Great Falls College and Dick Anderson Construction Apprenticeship Program
- Helena College and Boeing
- Highlands College Pre-apprenticeship Line Program and Northwestern Energy
Reach Higher Montana website (aka the "Portal")
Updated work plan outline (for discussion/planning)
The commission's April 6 meeting was canceled and rescheduled for May 4th.
Revised MUS structure and governance graphic
Career exploration in the middle grades (Education Commission of the States)
State start-up funding for postsecondary CTE programs (Education Commission of the States)
Memo on possible commission recommendations and additional input from previous presenters
CTE Shared Policy Goal from 2019 Legislature
Montana Chamber of Commerce Workforce Development Goals, Recommendations, and Education Priorities
Incentivizing CTE and Perkins Overview (OCHE slides)
Memo on possible commission recommendations and additional input from previous presenters (from May meeting)
Work Plan outline (revised after May meeting)
GEER funding for Workforce Training and Remote Delivery Initiative (OCHE webpage)
Commission Final Report draft (mark-up copy)
Commission Final Report draft (clean copy)
The MUS 2-Year Commission was formed after the passage of HB 754 (Vinton) during the 2019 Legislative Session.
The temporary 16-member commission is tasked with
- examining the impacts of incorporating the former vocational-technical centers into the Montana University System as 2-year campuses attached to 4-year campuses; and
- considering whether a different organizational structure would better serve Montanans.
The commission is required to meet quarterly and prepare a report of findings and recommendations to the 67th (2021) Legislature.
- Sen. Dee Brown
- Sen. Margie MacDonald
- Sen. Edie McClafferty (Vice Chair)
- Sen. Fred Thomas
- Rep. Jacob Bachmeier
- Rep. John Fuller
- Rep. Bradley Hamlett
- Rep. Llew Jones
- Rep. Sue Vinton (Chair)
- Paul Tuss, Regent of Higher Education
- Casey Lozar, Regent of Higher Education
- Madalyn Quinlan, Member, Board of Public Education
- Taylor Blossom, President, Associated Students of Montana
- Dr. Sandra Boham, President, Salish Kootenai College
- Joe Billion, public member, Bozeman
- John Mercer, public member, Polson
- Pad McCracken, Research Analyst
- Laura Sankey Keip, Staff Attorney
- Veronica Sullivan, Secretary