Montana State Legislature
Agency: Department of Commerce
*Navigate the categories below for more information about DOComm
The Department of Commerce effectively and efficiently delivers programs and resources through technical assistance, funding/investments, training/consulting, promotion, research, reporting, and outreach to provide affordable housing, create sustainable business and economic growth to enhance community vitality to benefit the citizen of Montana.
The Department is composed of five major operational divisions, and four administratively attached entities as follows:
Business MT Division
- Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund (BSTF)
- Certified Regional Development Corporations (CRDC)
- Export Montana
- Office of Indian Country Economic Development (OICED)
- MicroBusiness Finance Program (MBFP)
- SBIR/STTR Matching Funds Program
- Primary Sector Workforce Training Grant (WTG)
- Montana Distressed Wood Products Industry Revolving Loan Program (WPIRS)
- Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
Brand MT Division
- Budget and Operations
- Marketing
- Communications
- Office of Tourism
- Film Office
Community MT Division
- Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
- Community Technical Assistance Program (CTAP)
- Montana Main Street Program
- Montana Historic Preservation Grant Program (MHPG)
- Montana Coal Endowment Program (MCEP)
- Montana Coal Board
- Hard Rock Mining Impact Board
- Montana Ready Communities Initiative (MRCI)
- Opportunity Zones
Montana Housing Division
- Montana Board of Housing
- Housing Assistance Bureau
- HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME)
- Housing Trust Fund (HTF)
Director’s Office
- Offices of Accounting and Budget, Legal Affairs, Human Resources, Information Technology, and Business Attraction
- Montana Council on Developmental Disabilities
- Montana Facility Finance Authority
- Board of Investments
- Board of Horse Racing
- Montana Heritage Commission
LFD Budget Analysis