Montana State Legislature
Behavioral Health Library
- Burnout in Behavioral Health (University of Montana Center for Children, Families, & Workforce Development)
- HEART Funding (Marijuana Tax Distribution)
- Suicide in Montana (Department of Public Health & Human Resources, August 2023)
- WICHE Report on Planning for Crisis Receiving and Stabilization Facilities (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, August 2021)
- Department of Public Health & Human Services Informational Decks
- General Information
- Behavioral Health Systems for Future Generations Commission (June 2024)
- HB 872 Funding Flowchart (May 2024)
- HB 872 Commission Approved Priorities (August 2023)
- Stakeholder Feedback
- DPHHS Request for Information (Department of Public Health & Human Services, July 2023)
- DPHHS Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability System Improvement Recommendations (Department of Public Health & Human Services, September 2023)
- Near-Term Initiatives
- Grants to Increase Residential Bed Capacity (Approved by Commission and Governor)
- Grants to Increase Residential Bed Capacity Supplemental Request (Approved by Commission and Waiting on Approval from the Governor)
- Development and Deployment of a Comprehensive Crisis Worker Curriculum and Certificate Course (Approved by Commission and Governor)
- Investment in Direct Care Workforce Stabilization and Healthcare Capacity for People with Development Disabilities (Approved by Commission and Governor)
- Grants to Support Mobile Crisis Response and Crisis Receiving and Stabilization Services (Approved by Commission and Governor)
- Grants to Develop a Family Peer Support Pilot Program (Approved by Commission and Waiting on Approval from the Governor)
- Fair Market Rent Reevaluation Study (Approved by Commission and Waiting on Approval from the Governor)
- Access to Naloxone and Fentanyl Test Strips (Approved by Commission and Waiting on Approval from the Governor)
- Funding to Launch Occupational Therapy Doctorate and Physician Assistant Programs (Approved by Commission and Waiting on Approval from the Governor)
- Support for Tribal and Urban Indian Organizations to Expand Behavioral Health and Development Disabilities Capacity (Approved by Commission and Waiting on Approval from the Governor)
- Commission Reports
- LJIC Work Group on Civil and Forensic Commitments (Law & Justice Interim Committee, May 2024)
- Overview of Involuntary Civil Commitment Statutes and Process in Montana (January 2024)
- DPHHS Commitments Flow Chart (Department of Public Health & Human Services, September 2023)
- Statutory Review of the Criminal and Civil Commitment Process in Montana (November 2022)
- HJ 4 Study Summary (October 2022)