Modernization & Risk Analysis (MARA) 2021 Biennium
For presentations and materials from Legislative Week 2020, see:
Sept. 14, 2020 Video Conference
- Agenda
- Wayfair for Montana Businesses & Policymakers (presentation)
- Montana Individual Income Demographics (presentation)
- Memo: Local Government Data Gaps
- School Funding and Property Taxes in Montana (presentation)
- Memo: Market Value vs. Property Taxes Paid in Montana
- Memo: Growth Rates of State and Local Property Tax Collections
- Memo: Research on PILT vs Revenue Sharing State Distribution Options
- Memo: Question on Sales Tax Model follow-up
June 19, 2020
April 27, 2020
- Agenda
- Introduction to Revenue Topics
- Stress Testing States: COVID-19 - Moody's Analytics
- Natural resources revenues
- Individual Income Tax and Demographics Analyses Options
- School Funding and Property Tax Basics
- School Property Tax report
- Agenda
- Historical Analysis of Montana Revenues
- Federal Revenues in Montana
- Coal Industry Trends and Risks
- Trends in Local Government Finances
- State and Local Infrastructure
- Funding Policy and Montana's Public Pensions
- HJ 35: Study of State and Local Tax Policy
- Tax Structures in Montana & Surrounding States - Doug Young, professor emeritus, MSU-Bozeman
- Labor Market Trends - Barb Wagner, Department of Labor & Industry
- Population Aging and State Taxes - Don Boyd, State and Local Government Finance Project, Center for Policy Research
- Montana's Changing Demographics
- Demographic Changes & Potential Impacts powerpoint presentation
- Property Taxes in Montana
Rep. Nancy Ballance Mark Haggerty, Headwaters Institute
Rep. Mary Caferro Jason Smith, Governor's Office of Indian Affairs
Rep. Jim Hamilton Sarah Swanson, businesswoman
Rep. Llew Jones Myles Watts, retired MSU economics professor
Rep. Bill Mercer
Rep. Marilyn Ryan
The MARA committee is authorized by HB 715, Section 5:
(1) A committee of members of the legislative finance committee and appointed members shall study the long-term future budget and revenue needs with changing economics and demographics.
(2) The study must be conducted by a bipartisan committee consisting of the following: (a) six members of the legislative finance committee, with three members appointed by the chair and three members appointed by the vice chair; and (b) four members with two appointed by the chair and vice chair of the committee.
(3) The legislative fiscal division shall provide administrative staff support and fiscal analysis. The legislative services division may provide research and legal support at the request of the committee.
(4) Subject to direction provided by the committee, the study shall include but is not limited to: (a) identifying structural revenue challenges with economic, demographic, and geographical variability considerations; (b) exploring revenue sufficiency for long-term potential expenditures, including but not limited to the following: (i) health care costs, consumption, and funding; (ii) K-12 inflationary increases; (iii) higher education; (iv) pensions; (v) state infrastructure; (vi) natural resource revenue funded programs; and (vii) local government spending including infrastructure; and (c) proposing potential solutions and possible legislation for consideration by the 2021 legislature.

Legislative Fiscal Analyst &
Division Director