Montana State Legislature
Modernization & Risk Analysis (MARA) 2023 Biennium
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November 10, 2022
June 23, 2022
- Agenda
- 2040 Model and Status of Modules
- Overview Presentation (Amy Carlson)
- Detailed Presentation (Nick VanBrown)
- Detailed Calculations
- Revenue w/o Property Tax (Sam Schaefer)
- Beige (Nick VanBrown)
- K-12 Education (Amy Carlson)
- Medicaid (Josh Poulette)
- Public Safety (Cathy Duncan)
- Summary of Other Modules without Detailed Calculations or Observations
Infrastructure (Katy Callon / Joe Triem)
- Infrastructure Addendum (Katy Callon)
- Wildfire (Rob Miller)
- Higher Education (Katie Guenther)
Infrastructure (Katy Callon / Joe Triem)
- Progress to Date & Next Steps
- Local Government (Kris Wilkinson)
- Interim Policy Committee Updates
- Economic Affairs Interim Committee HJ 49 Study
- Revenue Interim Committee
- HJ 6 Final Report
- HJ 36 Property Tax Study
- Follow-up from May 2022 Presentations
- Montana Child Care Gap Assessment (Bipartisan Policy Center)
- Montana Child Care Data Tables (Bipartisan Policy Center)
May 3, 2022
- Agenda
- Healthcare Cost Tool (National Academy for State Health Policy)
- Hospital Cost Tool Presentation (Marilyn Bartlett, National Academy for State Health Policy)
- State Strategies for Health Cost Growth Containment (Maureen Hensley-Quinn, National Academy for State Health Policy)
- Property Tax Presentation (Julia Pattin & Nick VanBrown, LFD Analysts)
- Proposed Meeting Dates
March 7-8, 2022
- Agenda
- MARA 2040 Model Presentation (PowerPoint Version)
- Local Government Interim Committee Presentation Education Interim Committee Agenda
- Individual Income Tax: Analysis of CY 2020 New Residents & Income Trends After Moving (Sam Schaefer, LFD)
- The Post-Covid New World Order: What Does It Mean For Montana? (Chris Thornberg, Beacon Economics)
- Where Housing is Headed (Patrick Barkey, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of Montana)
- Healthcare (Robert Sonora, Bureau of Business & Economic Research, University of Montana)
- Leveraging Medicaid to Drive Value in State Health Care Delivery (Patricia Boozang, Manatt)
- Rural Healthcare Into 2040 (Carrie Cochran-McClain, National Rural Health Association)
- Healthcare Optumas & National Academy for State Health Policy Report
- Constitutional Initiative: 121
January 27-28, 2022
- Agenda
- January 2022 Legislative Budget Update
- Property Tax Update
- Workforce Shortages January 2022 (Montana Department of Labor & Industry)
- Impacts of Child Care on the Montana Workforce (Montana Department of Labor & Industry)
- How Work and Child Care are Changing (Bipartisan Policy Center)
- Strengthening Montana's Workforce Through Child Care Solutions (Zero to Five Montana)
- For Our Children, For our Future (Zero to Five Montana)
- Child Care Impacts Montana's Economy & Workforce (Zero to Five Montana)
- My Village Presentation
- HB 632 Child Care Block Grants Update
- Trends in Health Care (Michael Chernew)
- Health Sector Trends (Joseph Antos)
- Childcare Gap is Costing Montana Millions (Robert Sonora, Thale Dillon & John Baldridge)
- Follow-up information:
November 29-30, 2021
- Agenda
- Property Tax Relief for Homeowners (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy)
- A National Perspective on the Property Tax: How Montana Compares (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy)
- LFD Memo: TIF Follow-Up
- LFD Memo: Early Analysis of CY 2020 Individual Income Tax Return Data
- Federal Land Payments
Electric Vehicles & Montana Highways
- Electric Vehicles & MT Highways (Presentation)
- Montana Housing Shortage: Key Facts, Trends & Approaches (The Pew Charitable Trusts)
- Montana Housing Update (Department of Commerce Housing Division)
- Montana Housing Research & Data Visualization
- LSD Memo: 2021 Housing Legislation Summary
- Redesigning Montana's Education System for a Changing Global Economy (NCEE)
- Education & Workforce: Capacity Building (SREB)
- Montana Public Schools Innovations and Alternative Choices (Montana School Boards Association)
- Correctional Costs: A Primer for Law and Budget Writers (The Pew Charitable Trusts)
- Northwest Decarbonization Studies Insights: Opportunities for Montana (Jeremy Hargreaves, Evolved Energy Research)
- Intermountain West Energy Sustainability & Transitions (Lee Spangler, MSU)
- Land Use Modeling to Address Montana's Challenges (Megan Lawson, Headwaters Economics)
- Methods for Strategic Planning: the Process of Modernization and Risk Analysis of Land Use Under Anthropogenic Impacts on Infrastructure in the State of Montana(John Radke, UC-Berkeley)
- Montana Home Construction on the High Divide (Headwaters Economics)
- Governor's Veto - HB 188
August 31, 2021
- Agenda
- Technology & the Future of Work (Lee Rainie, Pew Research Center)
- IHS Markit - Montana Outlook
- Letter from Revenue Interim Committee
- Cost of Living Documentation
- Montana's Changing Demographics: 2021 Update
Individual Income Tax: Analysis of Non-Resident & Partial Year Resident's Income
- Individual Income Tax (video)
- Conservation Easements in Montana
- LFD Memo: Summary of Property Tax Reports from the 2019-2020 Interim
- LFD Memo: Overview of Tax Increment Financing
- E-Commerce Tax Revenue
- Motor Vehicle Fees
- MARA Timeline
June 3, 2021
For the previous meeting materials, please use this link: MARA 2021 Biennium Materials
Cost of Living Data
Housing Data (updated 11/28/2021)
Montana Demographics - August 2021
Conservation Easements - August 2021
Demographics Tool - January 2020
Written Public Comment Will Be Posted Here
Legislative Finance Committee members:
- Rep. Llew Jones, Chair
- Sen. Janet Ellis, Vice Chair
- Rep. Mary Caferro
- Rep. Bill Mercer
- Sen. Dan Salomon
- Rep. Sharon Stewart Peregoy
Non-legislative members:
- Mark Haggerty, senior fellow, Energy & Environmental Policy Team, Center for American Progress
- Mike Hope, owner, Rockin R Bar
- Dwaine Iverson, CPA
- Heather O'Loughlin, co-director research & development, Montana Budget and Policy Center
The Financial Modernization and Risk Analysis (MARA) study is authorized by HB 330, section 3:
(1) A committee of members of the Legislative Finance Committee and appointed members shall study the long-term future budget and revenue needs with changing economics and demographics.
(2) The study must be conducted by a bipartisan committee consisting of the following:
(a) six members of the legislative finance committee, with three members appointed by the chair and three members appointed by the vice chair; and
(b) four members who are not officials or employees in the executive or legislative branches with two appointed by the chair and two appointed by the vice chair of the committee.
(3) The Legislative Fiscal Division shall provide administrative staff support and fiscal analysis. The Legislative Services Division may provide research and legal support at the request of the committee.
(4) Subject to direction provided by the committee, the study may include but is not limited to:
(a) identifying structural revenue challenges with economic, demographic, and geographical variability considerations;
(b) exploring revenue sufficiency and probable long-term expenditures by state and local government for services, including but not limited to:
(i) health care;
(ii) human services;
(iii) elementary and secondary education;
(iv) higher education;
(v) pensions;
(vi) public safety and corrections;
(vii) infrastructure and public works; and
(viii) programs historically funded by revenue generated from natural resource taxes.
(c) creating data sets and models for future analysis by the legislature; and
(d) proposing potential solutions and possible legislation for consideration by the 2023 legislature.