Montana State Legislature

Department of Corrections

The Montana Department of Corrections’ staff enhances public safety, supports victims of crime, promotes positive change in offender behavior, and reintegrates offenders into the community.

Services are provided through the following:

  • Housing and attending to adult or youth offenders in secure care facilities both owned and operated by the state or under contract with a private or local government entity that owns and operates the facility under contract with the state. Examples of state facilities for adults are the Montana State Prison, the Montana Women’s Prison. An example of a state facility for youth is Pine Hills Youth Correctional Center
  • Contracting with private not-for-profit entities for treatment and supervision in a treatment or community-based setting such as pre-release centers, transitional living centers, methamphetamine or alcohol treatment facilities
  • Supervision of adult offenders on probation or parole, or youth on parole with state probation and parole officers
  • Providing job skills and training for offenders via a vocational education placement operated by state employees. Examples of vocational education includes the prison ranch and dairy, prison license plate factory, prison furniture and upholstery factory

Agency profile information provided by the Legislative Fiscal Division.

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